3 - Recognization

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<Ara's POV>
As I ran the 3 laps around the field for gym, I looked at Add. He looks so familiar! Where have I seen him before? Pondering on my memories, I fell behind the rest of the class. I snapped out of my trance and caught up to them. I guess I'll have to think more on this later.

<Add's POV>
God, why does Gym have to even exist. It takes me hours for my lungs to stop aching, like jeez, lay down a bit Miss Stella. As she yelled at us to get dressed so we wouldn't be late for class, I wondered why Ara and her friends were so....friendly. No one has ever been like that to me ever since....my real mom.... I shook it off and got dressed. As the bell rang in my ears I dashed to my last class of the day, math.

<Ara's POV>
I was about to drag Add to his class when I realized he wasn't in my next class. Dang it! I wanted to ask where he came from. "Ah, I'll have to ask tomorrow..." She mumbled, hurrying to her class.

<Add's POV>
As I walked into the classroom, I saw every working on the problem on the board. "Pffff, polynomials are easy." He huffed.

"Oh really, this is just a warm up boy. Wait until you see this next one."

As I turned around to see the math teacher, a familiar face popped up.

"Mr. Allegro!"

My old math teacher back in Feita was here?! But why and how? I fistbumped him, like I always had done back then.

"Alright Add, that's enough for the reunion for now," he said, chuckling. "You have to get to work just as much as any other student, you know. Sit anywhere you'd like though." As I turned around, reluctant to sit next to some random person, I heard a 'pssssst'. I looked in the direction that it had come and saw Aisha motioning frantically to the empty seat next to her. As I slipped into the seat, she smiled happily and started whispering.

"Hey, Add! It's cool that you're in my math class, didn't know you were in the honors class!"

I shrug with nonchalance. "I had a good teacher growing up." I say, looking at Allegro writing more problems on the board. I grumble then begin working on them, my pencil flying across my paper.

"Alright class.... Today we will be reviewing properties."

The groan of the class was all I heard, the rest of class was all a blur. I thought about how today went. Could I really trust Ara and her group of friends? Who knows if they could turn on me at any moment? As I was pondering, the bell rang and made me jump, and I raced out of the classroom.

I half walked, half ran to the exit where I would walk home, only to find....

"Well, well. If it isn't Add Kim."

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