just come home pt2 [light angst]

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Tw: blood, war?, Injury, missing limb

[Tubbo pov]

I'm boooooooored... but I do know exactly how to wake dad up! >:]

I climb up onto the little table by the bed and steady myself on the wall, ready...bend knees...and...JUMP!

My perfect landing is confirmed by a "TUBBO YOU LITTLE-!" as I roll under the bed, away from dad's annoyed face and reaching arms.

The yelling wakes up fundy, so in retaliation my little brother yawns and flops out of bed... Directly on top of dad, who is still trying to get me out from under the bed.

A knock on the door interrupts our morning routine.

"Get off of me ya furball." Dad laughs at Fundy.

Before he can remove Fundy, the fox has already gotten a strong grip around dad's neck and his legs wrap around dad's waist. "Not fair! I want up tooooo!" I whine. "Fine, but hurry up- There's still someone waiting at the door!" I take a leap of faith... And dad catches me like always. "Sorry about the wait, I'm coming now!" He calls towards the door.

Dad opens the door, it's a man... With a flower in one hand... And no other hand... "Will?" Dad asks. "Hey princess." The guy replies with a half grin. "Dad..." I hear a whisper from Fundy. "Who is that?" The guys smile shrinks a little, dad is almost crying. "That's your papa." Our eyes widen... Taking a closer look at him, he does look like papa!

"Fundy? Tubbo? You two are so big now!" Fundy's ears flick happily and I smile, showing off my tiny sharp teeth. "looks like someone got his dad's canines aye?" he chuckles "can I come in?" Dad stops staring and a tear slips down his face. "Come on" he says and begins walking inside.

"Papa...can  you sit with us please?" Fundy's question is answered almost immediately by papa plonking down on the couch next to us.

Being the older one, I decided I had the first pick and chose to lay with my legs on dad and my head on papa's lap. Fundy let out a whine that caused papa to place his hand on Fundy's head and softly pet him.

"What happened to your arm?" I wonder out loud. "...Bad people Bud, but it's ok now- I have you," With this he places a kiss on my nose. "Your brother," he leans down to bump Fundy's head against his own. "And my pretty princess." He kisses dad on the lips causing an "Ewwwwwwww." From Fundy who is sandwiched in between them. I laugh until dad grabs me and pulls everyone In for a hug.

"I missed you love." Dad mumbles. "I missed you too princess, and my beautiful boys."


Guess who's really bad at writing angst... yea It's me✨

If you didn't know, this chapter was inspired by Mi amado having a typo and starting this

Stay safe, eat, drink and remember to check in on your cult :]
(if you have one)

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