Night time walks [fluff - lil angst]

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We got some unrequited shit going on today, inspired by the eclipse

"Psst- Will!" The hushed yell at his window makes Wilbur look over at the window. "Open up!" Will sighs and smiles, recognizing the voice. "It's late." He shoves the window open. "What do you want?" Schlatt doesn't answer, just holds out a hand. "I'm not leaving without an explanation, I was very comfortable where I was." Wilbur crosses his arms and Schlatt huffs. "C'mon, you'll like it but it's a surprise." Will sighs and nods, pulling a shirt over his head. "You'll need more than that." Schlatt had climbed into the room and pulled a jacket out of his bag, shoving it towards Will. "Where are we going that I'll need this?!" Wilbur half complained, getting dressed as he spoke. "You'll find out, just come on." Schlatt insisted, practically buzzing. "Alright, I'm coming- no need to have a heart attack just because I'm taking a minute to get dressed."

They finally make it out, Schlatt holding Will's hand and pulling him along as they got to a fence. "Here, I'll boost you over." Wilbur stopped, surprised. "Schlatt-" He's cut off by the other. "I know the person that owns this property, she doesn't care as long as we don't do any damage." After running through a few of the worst case scenarios, Will gives in. "Fine, how're you going to get over?" Schlatt shrugs. "I'll figure something out."

Schlatt laces his fingers together. Wilbur steps onto his interlocked hands and is hefted over the wire fence, landing on the other side with a small thump and a squelch. "Alright, I found something." Schlatt calls out, landing next to Will and only just stopping himself from toppling into the soggy ground. "Wow, smooth." Wilbur teases, chucking at the glare from Schlatt.

"Alright, we're nearly there." Schlatt takes his hand again and leads Will across the field to a dark blob. "Up here." The blob was a rusted car, missing most of it's tires. They scramble to the top and get comfortable.

"So, why are we sitting on a car in the middle of nowhere?" Schlatt grins and looks up. "Just give it a minute." Wilbur follows his gaze, looking up at the inky blue sky. "Five... Four..." Schlatt counts under his breath.

The previously dark moon glows a deep red, making Will gasp and squeeze Schlatt's hand tight. "Wow..." Schlatt smiles, his gaze alternating between the blazing sky and Wilbur. "So, worth it?" Will nods, never taking his eyes off the moon. That was fine, even as Wilbur leant his head against Schlatt's shoulder, making the shorter's heart beat faster. Even as Schlatt sighed quietly and looked back down at the roof of the car. Yes, this was fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2022 ⏰

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