Pocket boyfriend {part 4}

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Wilbur woke up to Schlatt sitting on the bed and staring at him. "You good?" Schlatt shrugs. "Just had to make sure you weren't some weird hallucination trying to take me to the afterlife." Well that's... An answer... "That's a bit too complicated for this early in the morning." The man hums in contemplation.

"So... Where did you come from?"

Ah, that question.

"I live like- across the road from here."

"That's weird."

"...yea, but I think it's a good thing in this situation." They fall silent for some time. "Why didn't you visit?" Wilbur stares at him for a moment. "You told me you didn't even trust the postman... I didn't think you'd trust some random neighbor you'd hardly seen before." A sharp inhale is heard from Schlatt. "Oh yea... You're probably right."

"So... You hungry?" Schlatt nods, trying to figure out what might be in his cupboards... He hasn't really gone out a a while, so it's probably not much. "Dunno what I have." Schlatt mumbles, having wrapped his arms around Wilbur again. Will hums softly. "We could go to my place?" Schlatt doesn't respond for a moment and Wilbur immediately backtracks. "Sorry- that's probably a dumb idea, I only meant if you're comfortable-" Wills panic is cut off by Schlatt putting a hand on top of his, making Wilbur stop and look back down at him. "Sorry..." Will mumbles again. Schlatt shakes his head slightly. "Stop apologizing, 's okay. And that sounds like a good idea." Wilbur smiles softly and nods, getting off of the bed and holding a hand out as an offer to help Schlatt off the bed too.


The two get to Wilburs house without any problems, luckily there was no traffic... Or any people on the street for that matter... Weird... But probably for the best. Once inside, Schlatt is told to sit on the couch while Wilbur rummages through the fridge. "How does reheated pizza sound?" Will calls from the kitchen. Schlatt lifts his arm up and offers Wilbur a thumbs up over the back of the couch. "Don't worry about reheating it." He responds, not seeing Wilbur stop moving entirely. "It's fine, it won't take long." Will assures him, assuming the other just doesn't want to be annoying. "I'm serious, cold pizza is good." The response makes Wilbur shake his head slightly. "Fine, but I'm microwaving mine anyway, you sure?" Schlatt responds with another thumbs up from the couch. He's apparently still sleepy as it's followed by a muffled yawn.

Will shrugs and puts a few slices on a plate and shoves them in the microwave, bringing the rest over the couch. Schlatt sits back up and quietly mumbles his thanks, glancing over the mixed selection of Hawaiian, pepperoni and supreme with a small smile. "'S been a while since I've had pizza." He admits, just holding the box. "You okay?" Will questions when he realizes Schlatt hasn't moved to take a slice. "Should yours be done by now?" Wilbur jumps up from the couch and hurries over to the microwave, sighing in relief. "It's done, my microwave just has an issue where it doesn't beep half the time anymore." Will grumbles, hissing in pain as he tries to pull the plate out bare handed. "Shit-" He grabs a tea towel and tries again, using the cloth as a makeshift oven mitt as he carries the plate over to the couch. "You alright..?" Schlatt asks, glancing over at Will with mild concern in his eyes. Wilbur nods. "Just burnt myself on the plate."

Schlatt nods slightly and takes a piece of his cold pizza, munching on it contentedly. "Do you wanna watch Netflix or something?" Wilbur offers, fishing a remote out from the side of the couch cushion. Schlatt nods, shuffling over slightly and leaning his head on Wills shoulder. "Mmm." The small hum of response is answer enough, so Wilbur hits the on button, scrolling through the movies and shows for a while. Schlatt makes a vague sound of interest at something and Will scrolls back up, glancing at Schlatt questioningly. "This one?" Schlatt nods and reaches up behind them, pulling the blanket down off of the back of the couch and draping it over the two of him. "Mhm."

They sit in silence for a while, just half listening to the random show. "Schlatt..?" Wilbur asks hesitantly, glancing at the other. "Hm?" Wilbur sighs softly and takes a deep breath. "I don't want you to leave..." Schlatt fumbles the remote off of the table, pausing the TV. "I'm not gonna do that again, i swear..." He mumbles, holding onto Wills arm. "Not that... I'm glad you won't do that, but... I just want you to stay here..." Wilbur practically whispers. "I thought I was gonna lose you..." He admits, mumbling quietly and wrapping his arms around Schlatt. "Sorry..." Will just shakes his head, continuing to cling onto the other. "Don't be sorry... Just don't leave..." He insists, melting slightly as Schlatt hugs him back. "I won't, I'm not going anywhere." This seems to calm Wilbur down, as he slowly loosens his grip until he's just laying his head on Schlatts lap. "You can put the TV back on if you want..." Schlatt nods and smiles softly, petting Wills head in a soothing motion for both of them as the show plays again.

We'll heal together. We'll both be fine.

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