Part 7

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Jane Aka Jay's POV

I came back home sitting in my room thinking. Why the hell am I hurt..why the hell did I feel jealous. But one thing is for sure I hated seeing Leah with Gary, I mean the guy just left her there at the party all he was concerned about was his stupid jacket, and here she is all lovey dovey. She was so different..thats what I thought but seems like she's not, I was hurt when she supported Gary, I thought she was mad at him but seems like she's just stupidly in love with that dude...

I'm tired I think I should get some rest, I couldn't sleep cuz I stayed up all night just to take care of her and she has no appreciation whatsoever..just forget about her Jay..but how can I, when all I smell is her scent in my bed..ugh!..this is can someone be so gorgeous and super mean. The gorgeous part just steals your heart and takes it away...then the mean part just plays with your heart like...idk..I'm gonna go sleep.


Who Is ringing the doorbell..shit..what's the time..woah..4 o'clock, damn I might've been real tired..let me go check who's that at the door. I ran down and opened the door to my surprise its the evil have to be honest I kinda missed her..I thought as I opened the door

"what are you doing here?.." I questioned, with a straight face.

Hey..uh-hh I-I uhm" Leah trembled, whilst looking down. I have to be honest I kinda felt bad for the way I spoke to her..why the hell am I so soft hearted..

"I came to..I-I'm sorry, I should go" she continued, then ran off. What the could I talk that way to her..I ran after her and went in front of her stopping her from going anywhere.

"Hey,hey..wait I'm sorry..I'm so sorry." I begged, and looked at her with a cute googoo eyes. Right at that moment she held me by my head and pulled me in connecting her lips on mine I was shocked and at the same time got a whole bunch of butterflies, I swear no one has ever given me this kind of feeling it was the best ever. She wrapped her arms around my neck while I wrapped mine around her waist the kiss got so deep that i swear I heard her moan in between kisses.

"" She muttered,  releasing her hands from my neck leaving the other to hold onto my cheek. "I-I'm sorry" I sighed, and looked down feeling a little dizzy.

"Its my fault..don't be sorry. Uhm I should go" She said, slowly getting into her car and drove off. I stood there feeling like I've achieved the worlds best medal ever, her lips tasted like vanilla but more sweeter all I wanted to do was kiss her forever only if I could I would but, well..she's someone else's girl.

That night I stayed up thinking about her, every time I tried sleeping but her face and the way she kissed me kept playing in my mind. I forced myself and went off to sleep. The next morning I walked into school with my girls and saw her standing with the other cheerleaders in front of her locker. We walked over to them cuz Cris wanted to see Cherry.

"Hey baby" Cherry said excitedly.

"Hey.." Cris replied, hugging Cherry, they both kissed each other while we greeted all the other cheerleaders. I was about to shake Leah's hands when that asshole Gary came up pulling her over to him and they both started their make out ses again.

"Its what they always do..get a room!.." Cherry said while we all walked over to class. I have to be honest but why was I fuck no..but that kiss yesterday..nah..idk why she kissed me but..ugh! Stop Jay stop..the way she kissed Gary while looking over to me..why?..was she trying to make me mad.. Forget it.

We all were in class when she came in with Gary, Gary had all this lipstick stuck all over his neck and face while they both walked in he fixed his trousers and hair. That's it, I'm done that kiss maybe she was drunk or who knows.
Classes were normal as always then they announced for students to be sent out early cuz the sporting teams were gonna be training.
Me and my friends went over to the locker and got into our sporting gears then headed out to our sporting areas, we started off with a bit of warm ups but I think I did too much cuz I was sweating buckets. Afterwards, we got into the friendly game and we were done with for the day, I freshened up got my things and went home after.

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