Part 13

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Jay's pov


After hearing what Leah said it took me to the edge I jumped over to the front sit which she was sitting on she tried wrapping her arms around my waist but I pinned it above her head and started sucking onto her neck she let out moans that sent shivers down my spine I looked back up and kissed her hungrily she kissed me back with the same energy, I pushed the seat so it could reverse a little giving me room I let her hands go and she turned over now sitting on me but before I could sit comfortably I bumped my head on the glass which made me pull out of the make out ses

"ugh!..shit!.." I exclaimed holding onto my head

"ohh my gosh! Babyy..I'm sorry" Leah laughs and kisses me on my head

"come here.." She chuckles and pecks kisses all over my face

"mwah,mwah,mwah!..I love you" Leah giggles wrapping her arms around my neck

"wanna continue?" She adds still teasing me

"no.." I pout, making her laugh...why does she have the most perfect laugh..

"okay..I think that was my sign for me to go" She says getting off the car dragging me out with her

"I love you babe" she says hugging me tightly

"I love you too" I reply hugging her more tighter we stayed like this for some minutes then we release each other slowly and she goes in her home whilst I drive off for home


It was our school basketball finals so I got ready and went off for the games I was excited knowing my baby girl is going to be cheering for me for the first time...I mean she has cheered for most of the games but not as my girlfriend that is why I was excited for tonights games.
I went over and met up with my teammates and our coach, he gave us a little advice then sent us of into the court I looked out and saw my baby girl cheering for me I blew her a kiss and she caught it placing it on her chest.

I never thought the game would be this hard and tiring but it was the finals so both teams brought their best of the best players to compete, the game was tight we gave it our all and at the end it paid of giving us the win.

We were all cheering and not to brag but I was the star of the night cuz most basket shots were scored by me, I was so happy.
As soon as I turned over to check my gf I saw her running over to me. She jumped on me wrapping both her arms and thighs around me kissing me passionately I kissed her back while spinning around with her, she pulled out and started pecking kisses all over my face and neck

"Hey,hey baby I'm all sweaty" I chuckled making her laugh

"I..Don't..Care.." She says and swings her pompoms in the air while grinding on me... It turned me on I have to say but it was also cute.

"Yo dude, we're gonna throw a celebration for our up?" Cris says walking over to me and Leah, I looked up to Leah and waited for an answer but she couldn't get a clue

"why are you looking at me?" She whines burying her face in my neck

"aight,aight I see what's going on here ayy.." Cris says smirking at me and Leah

"no..dude I'm just waiting for an answer from her" I reply while laughing at Cris

"babe..what..why do you need an answer, let's go!" She excitedly says making Cris and I laugh

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