Part 11

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Jay's POV

Leah wasn't shy after all. The plan worked just right thanks to Sara and Cherry, but the fight with Gary I couldn't control myself the anger got the best of me all I could think of was just beating him up so badly but luckily the other students stopped us before things could get worse. After everything cooled down Leah asked me to go over with her so she could take care of my wounds so I went with her.

We both got into her room and sat her house was like a freaken palace, she got an ice bag putting it over my lip to ease down the swelling. She got so close that I couldn't stop staring at her lip, she looked down holding my chin bringing my face up so I could look into her eyes at that moment I couldn't hold back anymore I held her by the waist and kissed her she kissed me back while my wandering hands went down to her thighs then pulled it up to my waist, she jumped on me wrapping her thighs around my waist I carried her and put her on the bed our lips were still locked together. She took my hoodie off leaving me with only my sports top then she pulled out of the kiss to take a glimpse of me, she bit her lower lip while staring at me. She pulled me back kissing me again, her other hands rubbed on my abs while the other held me on my neck keeping me closer. I then took her cheer gown off leaving her with only her matching bra and underwear, she looked so damn sexy that I couldn't hold back. I went down on her making her dig into my hair

"ohhh shit! Ahh uhh oh" she moaned, pulling me back up for a kiss.
This continued till early hours of the morning, we only took a hour or so of sleep.

The next morning I woke up with her beautiful head resting on my shoulders. She looked so peaceful and cute

"hmm-heyy" she said yawning, "hi baby" I chuckled, cupping her cheek

"I love you" she said, pecking my lips

"I love you too" I replied, we both got out of bed and freshened up.

She took me down to have breakfast

"good morning mum" she greeted, pecking a kiss on her mums cheek

"good morning honey" Leah's mum replies,

"hi ma'am , good morning." I greeted, walking behind Leah

"oh so who might be this adorable looking girl" Leah's mum asked,

"oh mum this is Jane" Leah introduces,

"ohh you are the girl my daughter has been talking about non stop." Lea's mum said, smiling at me I returned the smile and looked over to Leah giving her a light smirk. After we were done having breakfast, we went over to my house so I could get changed.

I wore a black ripped jeans with a black buttoned shirt simple but perfect. After getting changed we drove off for school.

We both walked into the school hand in hand

"where's the hoodie that I gave to you?" I asked,

"why are you asking?" She questioned,

"im asking cuz It's mine" I answered, looking at her

"ohh wai-wait you mean..MY HOODIE." She said laughing, "what?." I giggled,

"its" She chuckled, cupping my cheek

"bye, I love you" she continued, running off to her friends.


We were sitting in class all ready to learn but then Leah caught my attention, I looked over to her and she slowly slid a pencil up her thigh then put the pencil on her lip giving me a smirk. She got up walking out of the classroom closing the door behind her I followed after but she was gone I walked down a little further to the restroom.
Someone pulled me in banging me against the was Leah, we kissed each other passionately I pushed her back then put her over the counter of the sink, she wrapped her thighs around my waist pulling me in. I pulled out of the kiss and went for her neck I sucked and bit on it leaving hickeys all over whilst doing this I heard her moan

"hmm love you.." She murmured, digging her fingers into my arms

"hmm uh-i love you baby" I moaned, finishing what we started we went back for class.


It was training time and Leah also went for her cheer practices, she got done with the cheer practice and came waiting for me

"babe we're gonna stay till late so you should go home" I said, giving kisses on her neck

"no, I wanna spend time with you" she whined, while wiping the sweat off my face

"okay,okay but its getting cold" I said, pulling her in for a hug she whined and held onto me

"give me your shirt" she whispered, pulling out from the hug

",no way" I say moving backwards

"baby..pls..come here.." She whines pulling me back to her
"but what will I wear" I asked, holding her hands

"just wear your jersey" she says "what?..but.." I respond confused

"bae, pls" she begs gripping onto my jersey

"okay,okayyy.." I sigh pulling her in for a kiss.


The night came and everyone one packed up to leave, I put on my jeans and still had my jersey on cuz Leah wore my shirt. She looked so cute in my shirt cuz it was all baggy and covered her tight cheerleader skirt, we both stayed back in the outdoor court spending time together just doing what couples do. She sat on my lap wrapping her thighs around my waist we took cute selfies together then made out for a while we spent a whole hour together and it was like a lifetime I wanted to be with her forever.


I dropped her off at her home, before she could leave she pecked my lips and went in her house.
I went back home feeling so happy without the count of time

"hi Jane" mum said, turning the light on..oh shit..I'm dead..

"hi mum." I said nervously

"what's the time?" Mum asked, coming over to me

"uhh its uhm...i-" I stuttered, looking at her

"its late.." My mum said,

"you have a gf?" Mum added,

"ohh uhm..mum I..uh..yeah.." I answered, she laughs walking over to me

"its Leah..right?.." Mum chuckles and gives me a hug

"I wanna meet her...again.." She says, pointing to my room for me to go sleep.

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