Part 4

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Leah's POV

Its end of school thank God... I really don't wanna talk to Gary but I just have to its my duty as his girlfriend so I walked over to him.

"Hey babe" he said while pecking my lips.

"Hey..I'm tryna go home, so catch you later.." I said while walking off. He looked confused but I just wanted to show him that I was pissed at him. I went home and freshened up, got into my cute PJs ready to hit the night.

The next day as I walked in having a great day with new things to think of when everything came crashing in my face seeing that devils worshipper with my literally, my friends.. I walked up being mad as hell

"what the hell are you doing here?" I said as I gave her a bitch look.

"Oh!..hey Leah guess what..Jay just joined the basket ball isn't that fast" Kira said while looking over to the devil worshipper.

"Ahh hmm you mean this bitch is in the basket ball the hell did she get in so fast?.." I yelled as I was so pissed. I don't know why I get so irritated everytime I see this new kid.

"Woah!.that was harsh..aight y'all beautiful ladiesss..I'll see you later." Jay aka DW says with a light smirk and walks out. I stood with my arms folded and rolled my eyes at her.

"Why the fuck was she here?.." I exclaimed while looking at the girls.

"ohh we called her over to invite them for the party" Sara replied with a low voice.

"What!..why?." I exclaimed, once again staring at the girls with anger.

"Leah..I was the one who asked them to come over..besides Cris is my girlfriend" Cherry said while looking over to me.

"Ugh!..okay..whatever..but keep them away from me.." I said while turning away.

That night I got into a body tight red dress which was above my knee my slim thick figure showed out very well I looked in the mirror and put on a light makeup cuz obviously I'm too gorgeous to be doing too much. Then I went off to the party it was lit, there were so much drinks and dancing going on. I got over to my girls and everyone started complimenting me, then Gary came over

" you're turning me on I think I need you..right now.." He whispered into my ears whilst grabbing my ass.

"You can have me" I whispered back into his ears kinda seducing him, he pulled me by my arm and took me to the toilet as we both got in he put me on the bench and slid his fingers under my dress. He started licking my neck when the door opened we both got shock and got out of the restroom that instant, he tried continuing but I just told him that I needed to do something. I walked over to the bar to get some drinks and my eyes caught someone sitting in front of me. She was attractive she tied her curls up and wore a dark buttoned baggy shirt and a skinny ripped jeans. Woah..wait did I just compliment a girl like hell no..I'm straight as a freaken pole. I had to look away to watch people dancing then a hot breath hit my neck from behind.

"Hey beautiful." The voice whispered. I took a deep breath at the instant shock and turned around and guess who it is..miss queen devil worshipper.

"What the hell" I exlaimed, pushing her away. She smirked and bit her lower lip while studying me from bottom to top, ohh gosh she was the attractive girl that I saw earlier..I never knew she could be this attractive upfront, wait..eww Leah you can't be saying things like that she's not attractive she's gay. But her scent was so comforting and sweet, she looked so freaking hot and ugh!..gosh..she's fine..wait Leah get a hold of yourself bitch..

"Hey.." She said while smirking.

"Don't talk to me" I quietly yelled, and walked off. As the party went on I couldn't get my mind of how she looked when I turned over to see her, her face and her lip biting kept coming on my mind..fuck I need to drink to get this shit off my mind or I think I'm just tired.. I drank just a little but without the count of drinks I was taking I couldn't even stand straight. By than I knew I was drunk as hell my boyfriend walked in and saw me. I couldn't control myself I had to let everything out of my tummy I started throwing out he came over and helped pull my hair behind as I puked some more.

"B-bae" I said stumbling over my words.

"What!" He replied with a angry voice.

"Are you mad?" I asked, but he didn't say anything he just helped me to my feet without even cleaning me up. He wrapped his arms around my waist as we walked out I could barely walk I turned over to look at him but as soon as I did I puked all over his coat, he got so mad that he pushed me and I fell backwards but then got caught by someone. I was shooked by what he had done to me I loved him so much and this is what he gives me..what the could I have loved someone so much..

"Bro..she's your girl but look like you don't deserve her." The voice came from the person who caught me. I turned over to see who it was as I did my vision got all blurred up and all I could see was cute person she looked like an angel and smelled so good and thats all I could remember as my eyes went totally blank.

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