Gen Z

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Inspired by: Madison in AHS. 

By: Avery Summers

 I'm a Gen Z. Otherwise known as the internet generation, growing up in a world of COVID and school shootings every other day. Maybe that's why every single one of us is floundering with mental illness and 'fuck the world' mindset. 

And most people say it's because of our access to social media, being able to post every time we fart or have a bad day. Or maybe it's because we're the first generation where every kid got an I-pad by the age of 3 because their parent's didn't want to deal with them that day.

But the one trait that all Gen Z shares is the numbness to life, all due to inescapable desperation of this world. I don't know a single day of my teenage years that I haven't been either stressed, or worried, or scared. 

I never show it though. Most of us don't. Why should we? The response would always be "oh, it's because of that damn phone".  And then after so long of faking perfect emotion, you lose the ability to feel. Life is just a numb wasteland that can only be forgotten by playing pretend.

We throw ourselves into work, into school, into social media, just to pretend that life is something more. But it's okay, because being numb to life is better than living a life of pain and fear.

You think I like going to school everyday, wondering if that will be my last? You'd think maybe I'd have some sense in me to say "oh, someone was threatening to shoot up the school, I shouldn't go". But no, I have finals.  

So maybe I am losing my touch with reality, but why would it matter? I'd rather play pretend for the rest of my life than have to deal with the shit show of the world.  Wouldn't you? 

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