Chapter 21- Searching for Her

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Melissas POV

I was sitting in Drakes room, listening to music. Robyn and Nicki ran off somewhere, but I was to lazy to get up and look for them. After what felt like forever I called Robyn's phone. Ringgg ringgg ringgg......

No answer. I get up and walk around the room. The room was pretty big a lot of flowers and cards around, I was bored so I read them all. Its so sad seeing him like this, so many people love him. I looked at him and decided to pray for him again.

???-Its sad isn't it.

My eyes flew open and I let out a little yelp.

Melissa- Hey. What are you doing here. Haven't seen you in forever.

???- Yeah I've been pretty busy. I heard about Drakes shooting so I came by to see how he was doing.

Melissa- Yeah, he's been in a coma for almost a week now. I didn't know you guys knew each other.

???- We don't. But I know how much he means to Robyn so I decided to pay a visit. Is she here?

Melissa- Yeah, at least I think she is. I saw her and she just ran off somewhere.

???- Awe. I'll catch her later I guess.

It went silent for a bit. I gotta admit, it was a little awkward seeing him here. And after hearing him ask for Robyn I guess he still has feelings for her. He's gonna be in for a surprise when he hears about her engagement. He walks over to Drakes bed, snapping me out of my inner conversation.

???- So does anyone have an idea of who shot him.

Melissa- No. Still looking. The police think it was a home invasion gone wrong.

???- Home invasion? Really?

Melissa- Yeah.

???- You look like you think it was something different.

Melissa- Ummm, well who knows, it could have been anything.

Ok. He's kinda creeping me out. I look at my phone, still no text or call from Robyn. When I look in his direction he's at the door, I thought he was about to leave but no, he locks the door. I look back down at my phone so he wouldnt see me looking. Why did he lock the door? I put my phone back in my pocket.

???- Melissa, you know its ok to be frustrated.

Melissa- What do you mean?

???- I mean look at all the things that's going on in your life. One of your friends are in a hospital bed, in a coma. Because of a "home invasion". I would be pissed.

Why did he put quotes around home invasion? This is really starting to scare me.

Melissa- Umm yeah. I guess I'm pretty frustrated.

???- Hmmm. Yeah. Do you think he's gonna wake up?

What kinda question is that?

Melissa- I'm praying that he will wake up.

???- Yeah but do you think he is?

Melissa- I'm not sure honestly.

???- Yeah me either. I mean getting shot 3 times in the chest is kinda---

Melissa- Wait what?

???- What?

Melissa- What did you just say?

???- I said getting shot 3 times in the chest is a lot.

How did he know that. Nobody knows that but me, Nicki, Robyn and the doctors. Oh god.........

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