Chapter 18- Grieving with Her

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Drakes POV

Rihanna called me and told me about her and Nicki's engagement. I was very happy for the both of them, then she told me what happened. She wanted to come over and talk about how we're gonna find this guy and keep nick safe. While watching TV I heard a click noise come from behind me. I turn around and something hard hits me in my head. I fall off the couch on to the floor. I look up and see a guy coming towards me, my eyes are blurry so I can't really make out who it was. I get up and bum rush him we hit the couch and it flips over. I punch the guy in the face the best I can. The gun fly's out of his hand. I continue to punch him, he kicks me in my stomach and I hold it in pain. He punches me in my face and I go down. He gets up and kicks me in my stomach several times. I grab his leg and he falls over me. I try to grab the gun but he pulls me away and grabs it. I get up and try to head up stairs to my gun. When I get there I'm ransacking my room looking for it. When I find it I feel this sharp feeling in my back.

Drake- Ahhhhhh!

I turn around and see the guy standing there. My vision is cleared by now, and I see who the man is. I touch my back and I feel blood running down my back. I start to get dizzy.

???-remember me?

Drake- your the one doing this shit.

???-yeah and your ass is getting in the way.

Drake- your not getting away with this. If its me or someone else, you will be stopped.

???-I don't know about that. And its definitely not gonna be you who stops me.

He pills the safety off of the gun. I run at him as quick as I can and.....................



Rihannas POV


I run over to him he's laying face down bleeding everywhere. I check for a pulse and I can't find one.


I start to cry. I grab my phone and call 911.

Operator- 911 what's your emergency?


Operator- OK mrs what's the address?

I tell her the address. In the matter of 5 mins the paramedics get here. They strap him to the cart and take him to the truck. I get in with him and we go to the hospital. They tried to get a pulse from him, they said they found one but it was very faint and it was slowing down. We got to the hospital and got out of the truck. I run in behind them, they take him to the back, I try to go with them but they tell me I need to stay in the front. I start pacing in the waiting room, tears running down my face, hyperventilating. I call Melissa and told her what happened. I tell her to wake up kitten and bring her down here. I finally calm down enough to sit.

Rih-whispers just don't die on me, please don't die.

Nicki's POV

I was sleeping like a baby when I felt someone shaking me. I thought it was master so I just pushed her away and turned over.

Melissa- Nicki get up we gotta go!!!

That's not master. I turn around and see Melissa standing there. She has tears in her eyes and is frantic. I instantly think the worst.

Nicki- what happened!!

Lord please tell me she's not hurt.

Melissa- Drake got shot.

Nicki- WHAT!!!

Melissa- yes we gotta get to the hospital.

I jump out of bed and throw on some clothes. I started to think about master and as if she read my mind she told me where she was.

Melissa- she's at the hospital. Come on.

We get in the car and get to the hospital as fast as we can. When we get there. Master is pacing back and forth I run over to her. She spots me and runs to me. She hugs me like there was no tomorrow and so did I. She starts to cry on my shoulder. I start to cry to when Melissa hugs us both. We sit and wait. It feels like hours. Master jumps up again and starts pacing.

Nicki- master calm down please.

Rih- How can I nick? Drake got shot. Over us.

That stung. But it was true. He did get shot because of us and it hurt like hell to know that. He risked his life to save us. Two girls that fell in love and now he's hurt.

Rih- just please don't let him be dead.

Melissa- he's gonna be alright. We just have to stay calm.

Rih- I can't stay calm meli.

Melissa- come on y'all let's pray.

Rih- what?

Melissa- pray, come on.

We all get on our knees.

Melissa- Father God, in the name if Jesus. Please have mercy on our friend drake. Please let him be OK. He is a great guy who did a great deed for he's friends. Please send a miracle down to us. In Jesus name, Amen.

Nicki- Amen.

Rih- Amen.

We sit back in our chairs and wait for the doctors to tell is something. 4 hours pass and still no doctor. Master starts to get impatient again and goes to the front desk.

Rih- hey, can I get an update on a patient?

Lady- patients name.

Rih- Aubrey Graham

Lady- He's still in surgery.

Rih- We've been waiting for 6 hours. How long does the surgery take!

Lady- well he had several bullet wounds and a major concussion.

Rih-..........fine, fine whatever.

She walks back to us and sits down. I grab her hand and squeeze it. She looks at me and smiles the best that she can. I kiss her hand and we continue to wait for the doctors. 2 more hours later still no doctor.

Nicki- this is ridiculous, there not done yet?

Melissa- these surgery's take forever you guys.

Nicki- No we passed forever 3 hours ago.

Melissa- just be patient.

Doctor- Family if Aubrey Graham.

We all jump up and run to him.

Rih- we're his family.

Doctor- well, I'm sorry to im sorry to inform you but..................


Here's another. Really sad chapter. I couldn't sleep so decided hey why not. Comment please. Thanks for reading. MUAH!!

My Master Rihanna- A Rihanna and Nicki Minaj BDSM Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now