Chapter One

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 𝗧𝗮𝗱𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗮 - 𝗖𝗵𝗽. 𝗢𝗻𝗲 (𝗘𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱)

It was a peaceful Monday morning. The month was April, schools were about to start again.Students normally start to make their way to school by this time. Yet, it was quiet not many students are walking to school. A girl was riding a bike on her way to school, she just got back to Japan after living in Korea for some time. The girl hummed a tune as she pedaled her bike continuously. On her way, she saw a convenience store. She stopped to turn and went her way to the store, parking the bike and getting her bag from the basket. She entered the store
the girl grabbed a bottle of water and a bento box that was on sale. She walked to the cash register and placed her items on the counter, she looked outside and saw what look like delinquents on the other side of the street.

The girl witnessed how two of the boys wearing white uniforms are brutally punching a guy who wore a black uniform. The other boys who also wore black uniforms gathered and punched the black-uniformed guys. This time, the two guys were on the ground barely moving. While the other boys ran away like cowards. She had witnessed everything and can't help but pity the two beaten-up boys. The girl was about to run towards the exit to check up on them but, "ma'am your payment!" the male cashier shouted gently not wanting to sound rude. "Oh right, sorry." She whispered, "Your total is 1,650 yen." he smiled, "Wait, I'd like to add something." she said as she went to the aisle where the health kits were placed.

She grabbed some cotton, gauze, bandage, and some povidone-iodine and went back to the register. "Add these too please." he smiled and scanned the items. After paying the girl got out of the store to see a black-haired guy carrying a white-haired guy. They looked like they were friends, while other bodies were on the ground all pretty beaten up and wounded. She crossed the street carefully and went to the two friends. "Hey, do you need help?" she asks softly "It's alright miss it's just a few scrathe- ack!" the white-haired boy said and hissed as he touched his wounded cheek.

"No please, I insist. Let me help you."
She walked towards them as the black haired one places the other boy on the ground carefully. she kneeled Infront of him and bandaged him up first. As she cleans and covers his wounds, she got to see his face features more. The boy slowly opens his eyes, revealing his beautiful vacant purple eyes, who was looking at her as she heals him. "There, I'm done." she said as She stands and dusted her school skirt. "Thanks." he thanked her as she stands. the girl then made her way to the black-haired guy who has less wounds than the previous guy

After treating them all, the white-haired guy asked her a question, "Hey miss, may we know your name?" he asked as she was on her way to cross the street. She smiled "My name is (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)." "What a beautiful name." The black-haired guy commented and she giggled at his compliment. "I am Izana Kurokawa and this is Kakucho Hitto my bestfriend." Izana added "It is nice to meet you both, I'll be going now and don't get into too much trouble again yeah?" she said then she continued to cross the street. the boys stared at her as she went off with her bike.

"I bet you are gonna fall for her." Kakucho joked and Izana glared at him. "It was a joke damn." "Come on Ran and Rindou are waiting for us at the school gates." The two start making their way to their school, 10 minutes of walking they arrived at the school gates. that's where they saw Ran and Rindou who were patiently waiting for them. Ran saw the duo walking towards them and grinned "Finally! what took you two so long.." Ran said, the brothers scanned the two and noticed the bandages and gauzes all over their bodies. "I guess these two went to a fight without us." Rindou answered as Izana and Kakucho exchanged glances "Yeah Rindou is right." "And you two even got the time to get bandaged up. You know nurse Ran could've done the work faster." Ran pretended to be a nurse causing the group to laugh at his silliness

"All right boys let's head inside before the bell rings." Kakucho said the group agreed and made their way to their classes. Ran, Kakucho, and Izana were in the same class, but Rindou was just a grade below them. The trio sat together and talked as the teacher wasn't there yet.

"Good morning class" the professor spoke as he entered the classroom the class then greeted her in return. "Today we will have a new student, please be kind to her and make her feel welcome. You may come in now!" the professor whisper-shouted the last part loud enough for the person outside to hear. The door slid open and revealed a fine-looking girl with (h/c) hair and sparkling (e/c) eyes. She smiled at the class "Hi my name is (y/n) (l/n) and I am new to this institute. previously I was in South Korea. My parents like to travel so we have been moving from country to country every 3-5 years, but I hope I could make lots of friends when I'm here!" she smiled widely "All right you may seat at the back next to the window." her professor said.

(y/n) headed to where the prof said she should seat and she saw two familiar faces in front of her, Izana and kakucho. she waved at them and proceeded to go to her seat. The two looked at her and smiled back and gave their attention back to the teacher as she started lecturing.

'She seems cool, I think no harm will be done trying to be friends with her." izana said in his mind, recess came and students were getting their food and gathering with their friends. though (y/n) stood up grabbed her lunch box and headed out of the classroom. Izana watched as she got out.

"Hey Izana! come on let's eat I'm starving!" ran said, Izana and Kakucho walk towards the brothers and headed to the canteen. The group found a table, and all sat together.
"So you two won't explain why you two were almost late?" Rindou asked sipping on his juice, Izana was spacing out, so Kakucho was the one who told the story.
"So I and Izana were heading to school, remember those assholes we beat up when they were claiming our territory as theirs? they ambushed us, we were outnumbered. But we won in the end though I and Izana were pretty beaten up. then, there was this nice, beautiful lady who treated and bandaged us up. Apparently, she's also a new student in our class."
Kakucho explained, "Damn how come no chicks come to cover me up when I'm wounded!" Ran pouted. "That's because you look like Annabelle," Kakucho added making Ran pout more and Rindou laugh. "Helloooo? Earth to Izana!" Ran snapped Izana out of his thoughts.

"I asked you, what do you think of the new girl?" Ran asked Izana paused for a moment.

"She's beautiful."

𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆

I wanted to add more details and edit my grammatical and spelling errors. 
I'm also thinking about if I should change the ending or not... Anyways I hope this updated version of Chp One! <33

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