Chapter Nine

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𝗧𝗮𝗱𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗮 - 𝗖𝗵𝗽. 𝗡𝗶𝗻𝗲 (𝗘𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱)

"Boss! We're here! Oh-." Ran's mouth shut seeing his boss on the ground. "Ran," Izana's cold voice sent shivers down anyones spine. "Sir?" "Take this man back to the hideout, I'm not done with that bastard." Izana ordered as he stood carrying (Y/n) in his arms, he made his way to the front door and there he saw Kakucho, waiting for him just outside.

"Found a way up where we won't be spotted, we can go there now before the police starts to investigates and catches us." Kakucho said, then looked at the woman in Izana's arms. Seeing her caused flashbacks, his bestfriend along-side Izana all those years ago. Now all bloodied up, poor girl... Kakucho thought to himself. "Good, Haitanis wrap it up! Or else you gonna get caught.." Izana shouted for the brothers, Ran and Rindou got out of the penthouse carrying a big bag, containing an unconscious Gabriel inside of it. "Got it boss!" Rindou spoke as he fixed his glasses, one of the lenses covered in blood, same as his and his brother's clothes.

Everyone froze as they hear the elevator working. "Shit they're on their way let's get the fuck outta here!" Kakucho said everyone nodded in agreement. Kakucho then lead the group to the same route they went in. As they exited the building, more police cars surround the area. Then they heard a police officer shout "There's nobody left up there!" This cause the team to hurry their way to the getaway vehicle. Ran opened the door and Izana placed sat you carefully. "Bring her immediately to the base and have her healed, we can't be seen in a random hospital. They'll arrest us. Drop that deadbeat man to the hideout after you drop (Y/n) alright. Clear?" Izana ordered, "Got that boss." They all got in and Kakucho started to drive.

Izana sneakily tried to go back to his car, skillfully he sneaked pass the police fast. He starts his car's engine and starts to leave the premises, heading for the hideout.. Which is the docks, where mainly they torture their victims.

Kakucho stopped in front of a huge mansion, maids start to gather at the staircase of the entrance, waiting for orders. Kakucho opened the back of the van carrying (Y/n), who was still unconscious. Kakucho carries her to the front of the main lobby, the maids get a movable bed and he carefully places her on it. "Have her treated immediately. I just have some matters to attend to." The maids brings her to the treatment room right away. Just on cue Mikey walks down the staircase, holding a wine glass on his left hand. "What's going on Kaku-san?" Mikey asked taking a sip of his wine. "Y/n got attacked." Kakucho simply explained. Mikey's eyebrows furrowed while drinking. "Who?" He asked again.

"You brother's old girlfriend." "Shininchiro has a girlfriend?!" Mikey exclaimed making Kakucho twitch his eye. "No, Izana's old girlfriend, they saw each other again." "Ohh..Poor girl, Izana's kinda a bitch." Mikey says as he drinks again "I'm sure you have something important to do, I'll check on her for now." Mikey says, Kakucho sighs and exits the mansion.

He opened the door to the driver's seat and the brothers exclaimed at him. "What took you soo damn long!" Ran jokingly chokes Kakucho and he smacked his hands off. "Hurry up the hoe at the back smells like sardines."


Gabriel woke up in a dark room. His eyes slowly opening and looks around the place, he tried to move but he can't. He looked down, he was in a kneeling position chained on a pole. The more he moved, the tighter it feels stuck in this position. His spine felt shivers as he heard a whistle. The whistle has an eerie tone to it...

-cue in twisted nerve whistle-

He looked around the room finding the source of the eerie whistling, the more he looked around the more fear he felt. "Show yourself b-bitch!" Gabriel shouted, suddenly the whistling stopped. Gabriel looked confused, but then. A metal pipe was thrown by someone from the darkness, hitting him on the face, causing on of Gabriel's teeth to be knocked out. "Argh! Who the fuck did that!" Fear filled Gabriel's body as he sees a figure emerge from the darkness.

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