Chapter 10- My Idea

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Steven is fast asleep. Snoring like a wild bear and a ton or horses running. Tara is giggling at him but I don’t see it all mirthful. This is a serious matter, and if they want to die because of a credit card, they can have all the fun they want.

“Come on, Steven. We are not playing around. We know you can hear us. Wake up!” I yell at the top of my lungs. Still no response.

We shake him really hard. Still no response.

Tara gets into his ear and cries out, “Oh no Steven! The police is here!”

Then, Steven gets up and runs out the bed. We are laughing so hard. He is running around with his hands waving in the air, in his underwear, saying, “What? We need to get out of here. Everyone to passageways!”

We get him to sit down and calm down. He has bags under his eyes and lines going across his face.

“Steven, pay attention. Tara has a credit card and we need to get rid of it. I have a plan. If we go to the passageways, dig another shelter connected to three of the passageways, then we will be able to get away from the guards. The shelter will be much smaller with just some snacks, water, and first aid. You know, just in case. We just need your help to build it in such little time,” I say, pleading.

Steven moans and groans,“Do you know how long this one took? No way am I doing this.”

Tara puts her hand on his shoulder. “Well, you won’t be alone. Sofie and I are with you. We are strong, hardworking girls and did most of the work on this one. Tara kisses his cheek, but looks like she regrets it. I am a bit jealous and hesitant but I give her a high five. She is right. Steven barely did any work on this one.

Everyone is silent. Tara and Steven are thinking about my idea. I am praying to God, hoping that this idea is going to work.

Steven lets out a huge sigh and says, “Well, I guess I will get my shovel and tools. You guys figure out the blueprints and stuff. I’ll be right back.”

Steven is leaving, I’m about to get paper and pencil, but Tara stops us. “Wait, just a second. Maybe we should get rid of this credit card first. I mean, what if we don’t finish on time and the government tracks us down? Maybe, Steven and I should go and get rid of this, while you can work on the blueprints? This whole idea is only if you guys are ok with it.”

        I nod, a little bit skeptical, but agree. Steven nods and puts some clothes on. As they climb the ladder to leave, I go in my room to get some paper. Maybe I can work on this and then take a small nap, I think to myself. Yawning.

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