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Jihoon, Hyunsuk and Doyoung were currently at the fast-food chain inside of a mall. And again Doyoung is doing his job, being a third wheel

"You're probably 100x more better than Yedam's girlfriend in all aspects"

"I'm not" Doyoung said sipping his drink. Yes they're talking about Yedam, but the conversation now went to him and his girlfriend "let's not talk about them"

"Now I wonder when and where Yedam got to know his girlfriend, I mean he just suddenly introduce the girl as his girlfriend, we didn't even know when he started courting her" now that Jihoon mentioned that, Doyoung also think about it

When does Yedam meet his girlfriend?, where?, and how?. Doyoung stayed silent not knowing what to say

"You guys stay here, I'll go to the bathroom" Jihoon said leaving Doyoung and Hyunsuk alone

"Since we're talking about Yedam earlier, can I ask you something" Hyunsuk said looking directly at Doyoung

"What is it hyung"

"Are you jealous?"

Doyoung quickly get what the older mean "I'm not , why would I be" Doyoung said, he didn't know if he's telling the truth or not

"I mean Yedam get to spend time with his girlfriend more than you now, are you not sad about it" Hyunsuk said

"I'm not hyung" Doyoung said flashing a smile at the older

"I hope your telling the truth. I just don't want you to get hurt at the end Doyoung, I'm just saying" the older said like a mother talking to his child

"I'm telling the truth hyung, thanks for the concern"

"Ah, it's really hard to have a best friend who have girlfriend. Good thing I already got myself a boyfriend" Hyunsuk said chuckling at his sentence and the younger did the same

While the two were talking, Doyoung eyes went to a familiar girl. It was Dami but...

Why is he with another guy and they're holding each other's hand

Doyoung was still bother of what he saw earlier, now he don't know if he should tell Yedam about it or just keep his mouth shut

His thoughts were interrupted when the doorbell rang, he quickly standup and walks toward the door opening, and he was greet by none other than, his best friend

"Yedam" Doyoung said as he saw the guy standing in front of him

"Why are you so surprise when you see me" Yedam flash a smile. He went inside the guy's house and sits on the sofa, the usual thing he does "You always watch movies without me now huh" Yedam said eating the chips that's sitting beside him

"Where have you been?" Doyoung asked

"Ah, I was with my parents earlier" Yedam said. Doyoung sat beside his best friend also eating the chips with him

"We just talk about things, and did you know my mom always talk about you there, he's talking about you as if you were his child" Yedam said chuckling at the end

"Really, he probably missed me a lot more than you" Doyoung joke

"You can say that"

Silence took over them, as Yedam was focus on watching the movie. Meanwhile Doyoung thoughts was still on what he saw earlier. Should I tell him Doyoung thought to himself

"You know, I was planning to introduce Dami to my parents" Yedam said breaking the silence between them "I was planning to do it earlier, but she said she was busy" he continue

"Maybe I'll do it next time, what do you think?" Yedam asked, looking at Doyoung and he noticed that the guy was spacing out

"Kim Doyoung" Yedam snapped his fingers in front of the guy "you've been spacing out, is there anything wrong?" He asked

"Yedam..." Doyoung said hesitating wether he should tell what he saw earlier

"Hm" Yedam hum looking at his friend waiting for the guy to speak

"Earlier... When I was at the mall with Jihoon hyung and Hyunsuk Hyunsuk..." Doyoung bit his lips he was suddenly became nervous

And Yedam can sense it "It's okay Doyoung, tell me" he said giving Doyoung a subtle smile

"I... Saw Dami... With another guy" he said lowering his head waiting for his friend reaction

Yedam was surprised on what Doyoung just said
"I— it was just probably one of his friends" Yedam said

"I'll asked her" Yedam said standing up from the sofa and pick up his phone from his pocket, calling Dami

Doyoung watch his best friend talking to his girlfriend, he saw that Yedam was still calm after what he just said, or he just acting calm. He saw Yedam put the phone down from his ears and went back sitting beside him

"It was his cousin" Yedam said, focusing back on watching the movie

"B- But they're h- holding each other ha- hand" Doyoung stutter

"Doyoung it was just his cousin, there's no need to worry about" Yedam said not looking at the guy. Cousin? Doyoung wasn't so sure about that

"But Yedam—"

"Kim Doyoung, are we going to argue because of that. It was his cousin okay" The sudden change of Yedam tone surprise Doyoung, it was his first time hearing Yedam sounded a little mad at him

Yedam sigh and stand up from his seat "I'm going back home" he said, without saying anything again, Yedam left leaving Doyoung silent

Doyoung saw Yedam leave in front of him. He put his palm on his head "what I have done"

Best Friend [DoDam]Where stories live. Discover now