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Yedam now feel guilty about what happened last night, He was carried away by his emotions and he did not realize that he was already mad with his friend

Now he's going to find the way to apologise to the guy, but still don't know how to

He was looking at the window waiting for Doyoung to show up, so he can immediately say sorry to him, but after a minutes of waiting the guy didn't show up

Yedam left no choice but to go at the guy's house. As soon as he step at the front door, he became hesitant, wether he should go inside or not, he was nervous to say at least

But nonetheless he knocks at the door, and surprisingly the door immediately open revealing Doyoung

"Y- Yedam" Doyoung said

"I'm sorry" Yedam didn't waste any time and immediately did his intention to the guy which is apologizing "I'm sorry about my attitude last night" he sai

"It's okay, it was my fault anyway" Doyoung said but not looking at Yedam

"It's not your fault. You were just concern about me, and I'm sorry for not thinking of that last night" Yedam said, he bowed but doyoung suddenly stopped him

"You don't have to do that" Doyoung said "let's just forget about what happened last night, shall we?" He continue with a smile

"I was preparing my breakfast, but I can also make one for you if you want" Doyoung said and yeadm just nodded

The younger was about to go to the kitchen but he saw Yedam still on the door standing still "Is there anything wrong?" The guy asked

"I was just thinking, how can you instantly forgive me" not that he's complaining but he was just surprise how can Doyoung forgive him easily, maybe if he did that to others, they will never forgive him till he die

"It wasn't that big of a deal, and beside you already said sorry to me" Doyoung said smiling at him once again

Yedam stay the whole day at Doyoung's house. They both went back to normal, as if something didn't happened. Well that's what Yedam thought

They do their usual hobby which is watching movies. Yedam's eyes were currently glue at the TV screen watching his favorite movie 'The Classic'

"I couldn't even count how many times we've watched that" Doyoung said handing the popcorn at Yedam

"I just can't stop watching it" Yedam said then throw the popcorn on his mouth "This is just so beautiful"

"And heartbreaking at the same time" Doyoung said. looking at Yedam who's eyes still on the TV

"You're right" the male agree. There's a seconds of silence between the two, not until Yedam speak again "And if possible. I want mine and Dami's relationship to be beautiful just like that"

Doyoung mood immediately change weirdly after hearing the girl name. He didn't know why but he felt a sudden bitterness, but he knows that it isn't good to feel that way

Yedam is his best friend and he's supposed to support him. Not to feel bitter over his relationship. "You're relationship with Dami will always be beautiful. Trust me"

Yedam look at Doyoung "I hope it goes the same with you" he said making Doyoung confused a little bit

"What do you mean?"

"I mean is, if ever you finally find your someone, I'm wishing your relationship will also be beautiful" Yedam said

"Huh. That will happen in billion years" Doyoung scoffed. "Yedam you know that it will take many years before I will find my someone. No one is interested in me remember"

Yedam slightly push his friend "What are you talking about? Doyoung-ah you're beautiful. How can someone not interested in you"

"Stop lying"

"Well I'm not lying though" Yedam said with a serious face

"Ah! Let's just continue watching this movie" Doyoung said. The atmosphere went silent again as the two continue watching

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