thirty one

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Doyoung and Yedam seems to have ended their awkwardness towards each other. They spend most of the day roaming around the beach. Same goes the night, they're were gathered around the fire, singing, drinking, talking and joking around. Doyoung and yedam keep hitting each other as they're laughing, they can really say that they're back to normal again

Now it's 2 hours left before midnight. The other guys already went back to the beach house while the other still outside on the fireplace

"Yah, look at you, you can't even walk straight" Asahi said to his drunk boyfriend, Jaehyuk

Jaehyuk move closer to Asahi and said "that's because I'm not straight" he said smiling ear to ear, the tried to bite Asahi's ear. Asahi push Jaehyuk away, maybe a little to hard cause it made the guy fall

Meanwhile, Doyoung, Yedam, Jihoon and Hyunsuk laugh as they watch the couple bicker. "Yah, Yoon Jaehyuk, is the sand okay" Jihoon jokingly asked

"I think he's okay hyung. But I don't think I am" Jaehyuk said trying to stand up with the help of Asahi. They said goodbye to the others and stumbled their way to the door. Jihoon and Hyunsuk followed them shortly after, leaving Doyoung and Yedam alone by the fire

"Hey, do you guys want to join us?" Jihoon asked them before leaving

"Nah, we're good. You guys go ahead and have fun" Yedam said, waving his hand

"Alright, suit yourselves. Don't stay out too late though" Hyunsuk reminded them

"We know, we know. Don't worry about us" Doyoung said, smiling. Jihoon and Hyunsuk shrugged and walked away, leaving Doyoung and Yedam in the dark

Doyoung and Yedam sat in silence for a while, watching the flames dance and listening to the sound of the waves. They felt a slight breeze on their skin and shivered a little

"Hey, do you want to move closer to the fire?" Doyoung asked, breaking the silence

"Sure, why not" Yedam said, scooting closer to Doyoung. They sat side by side, feeling the warmth of the fire and each other. They looked at the stars above them and felt a sense of peace

They didn't notice the guy who approached them from behind. He was wearing a white shirt and khaki shorts, and had a friendly smile on his face

"Hey, I'm Donny, I'm just near that resort" the guy said, pointing at the resort far from them. Doyoung and Yedam turned around and saw him. They were surprised by his sudden appearance, but they tried to be polite

"Hi, I'm Doyoung and this is Yedam. We're staying at that beach house over there" Doyoung said, pointing at the opposite direction

"Nice to meet you guys. You look like you're having a good time" Donny said, sitting down next to them.

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