Chapter 13:My Human Side

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*The next day Noelle wakes up and is immediately depressed because she remembers what happened yesterday and what today is.*

Noelle:*Sighs* Even Slayer isn't here. I might as well go downstairs..

*Noelle goes down stairs to only see no one is here*

Noelle:Maybe they are on missions.

*The door opens*

Slayer:Ah good. You're awake.


Slayer:Well the ceremony is about to start.

Noelle:How long will it take?


Noelle:Got it. I'm coming.


*The two join the others with Selina's family, and Julius*

Julius:We all here?


Selina's Father:Then let's begin.

*Everyone takes a seat as the priest reads a sermon and blesses everyone with good fortune and tries to ease their pain by comforting them all. This whole preaching goes on for hours. At four o'clock it is now time for everyone to pray at the sword at her grave. First comes Selina's father,then her mother,her siblings,Julius, and now the Black Bulls,Mimosa, and Yuno. Yami steps up to the grave and says his prayer to himself. Soon after Yami all the Black Bulls do their prayer and so does Yuno and Mimosa. It is now seven o'clock and its turning night fast.*

Priest:I hope this all brings you closer to some closure this day. Dismissed.

*Everyone disband except for the magic knights present*

*Everyone has a sad mellow voice when speaking to each other*

Julius:I'd like to stay and mourn a bit more but Marx is gonna kill me if I don't get back.

Yami:Its fine Julius. Go ahead.

Julius:Bye everyone.

Eveyone:Bye sir.

*Julius leaves as another group enters*

Nozel:It ended didnt it..

Yami:It did but you can say your piece and her grave is always open.

Nozel:Thanks. Nebra,Solid. You first.



*While Solid and Nebra pray their piece Nozel goes to Noelle and he stand a couple feet away from her*



Nozel:I just wanted to say something I never got the chance to say last time.

Noelle:And what's that?

Nozel:I understand what your feeling and I'm sorry that it happened. If you need to talk I'm always here.



Noelle:*Starts to break down*

*Everyone looks over at Noelle*

Nozel:Noelle ple-

Noelle:*Through her crying*I'm worthless. I failed to protect Selina. I should quit the magic knights like the garbage I am....

Nozel:Noelle you're not-

*Slayer gets on one knee next to her*

Nozel:*In his head* Get away from her now you damned good for nothing!

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