Chapter 16:Penance

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Mimosa:Slayer sir.


Mimosa:Did you have to treat Alecdora like that?

Noelle:I get that he isnt like us three but still that was kinda harsh. Even by your standards.

Slayer:Is he watching his tounge now.

Klaus:I guess so bu-

Slayer:Then that's all I care about. He needs to learn just because we are different squads we are on the same mission so there for by all means we are the same squad and need to work together.

Noelle:Well too late now. Let's go in.

*they all enter the vault*

Yuno:*Grabs scroll* What's this?

*The scroll goes off and it shines green then it stops*

Slayer:What was that?

Yuno:I dont know. I touched this scroll and the words appeared in my grimoire.

Slayer:Let me see.

*Slayer reads it*

Slayer:I see. Well then I won't spoil what it is then.

Noelle,Yuno&Asta:YOU CAN READ THAT?!

Slayer:Yeah. Anyways Noelle.


Slayer:You were wondering why Yami called me a loot goblin.

Mimosa,Yuno,Klaus,&Asta:A WHAT?!


Slayer:Well.*Pulls out a coin purse*


*Slayer walks up to a big pile of gold and sets the purse on the floor*

Noelle:So now wha-HOLY SHIT!!

*Slayer opens it and drags it across the base of the pile of coins as the purse pulls them all into it*


Slayer:A bottomless pouch. I use it for coins. So when I go Dungeon crawling and find the vault I use this and boost the economy.

Klaus:That is handy.


Slayer:*Jokingly*So if you really think about it. The only reason you Royals have money is because of me.*Laughs*

Klaus&Mimosa:*In shock and their own heads* DID HE JUST MAKE A JOKE?!

Noelle:Oh wooow Slayer. Really gonna do that.

Slayer:What? It was funny.

Noelle:Mhm. Whatever you say.

Slayer:You're just mad that I'm the funny one.

Noelle:Oh whatever. Kiss my ass Slayer.

*Everyone except Alecdora laugh*

*An hour goes by then all of a sudden Alecdora gets flung towards the group*

Mimosa:Oh no!

Klaus:He's up?!

Yuno:Not good.


Noelle:C'mon man.

Slayer:Ready yourselves!

Mars:I'm tired of this game.*In his head*First your defense mage,then your healer. I'll pick you all off one by one.

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