Dosa aur Dil

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Finally a taxi stops at our call

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Finally a taxi stops at our call. I look at the driver expectantly and then point at Ruturaj with my eyes.
Ruturaj nudges me as he whispers, "Address." Yeah.

As I settle down in the taxi, I'm annoyed at the driver for not reacting at all. I hear faint whistles and turn to see him whistling tenderly.

Do not celebrate so soon.

"Anna, do you watch cricket?" I ask him in Tamil and Ruturaj stops whistling.

"Ille, ille, forget what she said." He tells him before he can answer, probably understanding what I said because of the word cricket.

I want to pull his cheeks at his accented Ille. I shake my head.

"Kritika, you were cheating!" He whispers accusingly. Ah, if accusations could be adorable.

"I was just asking him if he watches cricket." Thoroughly enjoying this annoyed Ruturaj as he shakes his head furiously.

"Yeah. I saw what you were trying to do." His tone is serious but I can see him smiling at my antics. What's a little cheating when I get to see you smile?

There's a jolt of pain in my head and I am relieved that Ruturaj doesn't seem to be a" told you so" person. My head is throbbing too much to entertain any of those kind of comments.

He must've noticed my expressions change for I can feel him making circles on the back of my hand.

I give him a small smile.

The headache is tightening its grip on me. Every time I have a headache, it feels as if some machine is sucking my head. The pain is worse in some areas than others. 

"It's hurting a lot, isn't it?" His concern is evident on his face.

"Yes." I feel the pain getting hold of my ears as well. God. Need to reach home and take some medicines.

"Stop. Anna, stop." I hear Ruturaj saying. "I'm going to that medical to buy a medicine," he says, pointing towards the nearby medical store. He opens his mouth and then closes it again. He is looking at me sternly as he asks,

"When was the last time you had eaten?"

I try recalling if I'd had anything after my lunch. Ah, now I understand where the headache is coming from.

"Uh..m actually.. I had a meeting with Mr. Muthuswamy and then another with my team, and I then I had a conference call with a really important-"

"You haven't eaten anything." He concludes, slightly irritated.

I nod.

"How are you supposed to take medication then?"
He lets out a long breath.

Match Made In Hotel | Ruturaj Gaikwad ✓Where stories live. Discover now