Kis liye Rutu jale?

895 59 19

8th April, 2019, Chennai.

"-no better companion for Nikhar than Billo. I mean sometimes I wonder who has more sass, Nikhar or Billo?"

I hear Nandish remark and Kriti laugh.

I blink once to see if he's present in reality or my mind's playing tricks on me. Turns out he's really here.

As soon as Kriti senses my presence, she stops blowing on her coffee and looks up.

"Good morning!" She greets me with a smile.

"Good morning." I try not to let Nandish's presence affect the cheer in my voice.

But when I notice a twin cup in his hand I feel my jaw tighten.

He must have noticed my intense gaze for he says, "Well now that I know that she likes it sweet, I thought I'd treat her to some."

My mind warns me that I'm overreacting but my heart, my heart cannot overrule the challenge in his eyes.

I chuckle heartily as the fleeting clouds of jealousy pass and I see the futility of his challenge.

This is no game, Nandish.

He turns to Kriti. "Anyways, Kriti, you free for dinner tonight?"

I look at him in disbelief. Deva, did he just...did he just ask her for dinner?

Kriti looks at me briefly before answering, "Sorry Nandu, I've got some plans for today."

In all the time I have known Kriti, there have been plenty of moments when she'd try to hide her smile by biting her upper lip.

But the twinkle in her eyes would always give her happiness away.

"By the way boys, I have a meeting in 15 minutes, would you mind giving me some time before it?"

"Not at all." I watch him quickly get up , reach for the door and exit. A nanosecond is all this guy will take to obey Kriti. I shake my head and turn when Kriti grabs my hand.

"Not you mister. You are staying right here."

I ignore Kriti's playful smirk and decide to tease her a little.

"You'll get late for the meeting."

"Meeting... what meeting?" She looks at me innocently while taking a step forward.

My insides warm up. But I decide to voice one genuine concern.

".... Don't you think your friend is....extra friendly?"

I watch her raise her eyebrows in amusement.

"Too bad for him, because it's not him whom I seek."

Her voice lowers as she closes the distance between us.

The exact moment I lean in, I hear my smart watch buzz loudly to remind me that there are five minutes before the practice session.

"Dammit." I run a hand through my hair, trying to bring my thoughts back to cricket and remain unfazed by Kriti's proximity.

I hear her laugh as she takes a step back.

"I'd like to continue at 8 if you're free tonight?" She asks me while smiling unabashedly.


"As in a date?" I ask in anticipation of an affirmative answer.

What else, you Dumbo?
This is why Sai always says that you are a sucker for clarity.


I give her a hug before leaving her office with a sheepish smile.

Lucky man. You are one lucky man, Rutu.


I look at my reflection in the mirror. I'm in Kriti's favourite colour. Black. A classic, crisply ironed Black shirt for our first "official" date. I button it all the way till my neck only to feel a little uncomfortable. Hmm, let's unbutton one and see. Ah yes, perfect.

I take a deep breath before reaching for my perfume.

Tonight has given you the perfect opportunity, Rutu. Just say it.

I will.


I look at the time and frown. 8.13pm.
I can't imagine Kriti getting late for anything without any intimation.

Minutes pass by. I text Kriti but don't get any response.

8.29pm. My heart thumps faster at the arrival of unpleasant thoughts. No. Kriti. You have to be alright.

I fumble as I reach for my phone. I press an extra u in my password - hustlehard , in a hurry. Dammit.

For some strangely infuriating reason, it doesn't recognise my touch when I tap on the phone log.

Come on phone, don't do this.

I tap furiously on it, losing my patience.

The screen freezes. The phone is hung. Wonderful, Rutu.

I switch it off. And tap my feet while waiting for it to restart.


Match Made In Hotel | Ruturaj Gaikwad ✓Where stories live. Discover now