~ chapter three ~

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after a long night of being unable to sleep, i woke up in my own bed for once. as upset as i was, my first thought was rafe, not the pouges.

i rolled over and checked my phone.


and 2 missed calls from jj?
i rang him back, it could be urgent?

"hey y/n, can we talk?" he said

"not much to say is there.." i replied

"but y/n, i cant get you off my mind, please come back."

"is that because you want a hookup, or you genuinely miss me jj?"

he didn't reply, i hung up the phone.
i knew there was never feelings between me and jj, nothing more than a few hookups that's all.

i got up to go get some breakfast from downstairs.

"hey y/n, feeling okay?" said mom

"yes thank you."

"i made you some breakfast, it's on the table, topper and rafe are there too."

"thanks mom."

she must of heard i fell out with the pogues, she is never this nice to me.

"morning gorgeous." said rafe

"hey" i replied as he pulled a seat out next to me.

"y/n i'm going to pick up your dress from a friend, i won't be long."

"dress?" i said.

"it's midsummers later y/n, remember?" said topp.

"oh shit yeah." i completely forgot about it, i was originally going with my family anyway, as the pogues don't get an invite, it's some kook party.

"who called you this morning?." said rafe turning to look at me.

"oh yeah, it was jj." i said

"well what did he want?." said topp


"y/n, tell me." said rafe

"he just called saying he misses me, he probably just wanted to hookup that's all." i replied

"wait till i see them." said topp.

"we see them, you mean." said rafe.

"why don't you go get ready y/n, we can all head there early, it will be fun." said topper.

"alright, i'll go now."

"without me?" said rafe smiling.

"i'm gunna go get some stuff for later, have fun." said topper

me and rafe headed up to my room and rafe laid down on the bed.

"i'm going to shower." i said

"wait for me."

"really? we're really doing this rafe? your gunna make me late!" i said laughed, as we headed into the bathroom.

* ... (mamma mia reference)

"the dress looks amazing y/n." said rafe

i had a pastel blue tights dress, down to my feet, with a slit down the side. it was tight around the top, then flowed out at the bottom, almost revealing.

"i mean, i would." said rafe laughing

"not right now we need to go." i said laughing with him.

he had a pastel blue suit on, matching my dress.

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