The New Seeker

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Professor Quirrell was acting quite odd this year, more odd than usual. He kept fidgeting and stuttering as he spoke each word during class, Oliver sort of felt sorry for him. Wood wondered if something awful had happened to him during the summer aside from helping an African prince get rid of a troublesome zombie.

As always, the Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom smelled strongly of garlic upon entering it. Oliver knew about his encounter with a particular vampire once in Albania but it just seemed more than that. Older students say he used to be at ease in his early years but after that whole vampire encounter... Well let's just say Professor Quirrell was never the same. He constantly acted as if at any given moment, a vampire would burst into his classroom and tackle Quirrell to the ground.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door, making Professor Quirrell jump out of his skin. He nearly dropped his pet iguana in his hands as the door opened to reveal none other than Professor McGonagall, the Head House of Gryffindor.

"Professor Quirrell, excuse me, could I borrow Wood for a moment please?"

Oliver snapped his head towards McGonagall, his stomach doing a quick somersault at the mention of his name. It was exactly how he felt the day Professor McGonagall walked up to him and informed about him being the new Quidditch Captain. But now he wondered if he did something wrong, Oliver could never tell whether McGonagall was about to deliver him bad or good news by the stern look she always wore.

"O-oh y-yes." Quirrell stuttered, frantically nodding his head. His eyes darting between Oliver and Minerva.

Oliver rose from his seat, exiting Defense Against the Dark Arts class only to be met with a first year standing next to Professor McGonagall. The boy had disheveled dark hair and wore a pair of circular glasses over his green eyes. He immediately recognized who this was with the many rumors he had heard circling around the school. At this point, everyone knew who he was.

"Follow me, you two." Professor McGonagall gestured her hand for both of them to follow her further down the corridor.

As Wood walked alongside with Potter, he glanced down at the first year with confusion. Not really knowing what this boy had anything to do with Oliver.

"In here." Professor McGonagall headed straight for an empty classroom as the two followed suit.

However, the classroom wasn't really deserted since Peeves was inside, writing swear words onto the blackboard using a white chalk.

"Out, Peeves!" McGonagall shouted, in an instant, the poltergeist cursed and hurled the chalk straight into a garbage bin before disappearing out of the room in a blink of an eye.

With a flick of McGonagall's wand, the door to the classroom slammed shut and the written offensive words had disappeared from the blackboard. Now with the poltergeist gone, this left some privacy to the three.

"Potter this is Oliver Wood." The Professor introduced Potter to Wood. Oliver gave Harry a small smile and a nod, the first year did the same.

"Wood, I have found you a Seeker!" Said McGonagall excitedly, her face breaking away from that scary stern look.

The news shocked him. It took Oliver a good few minutes to let her words sink in before realizing... Harry was the answer to his problem.

"Are you serious, Professor?" Oliver now sounded rather interested in Harry.

Potter stood there quite confused, not really aware what Professor McGonagall meant. Judging from his expression, he clearly wasn't raised in the Wizarding world but that didn't matter. Oliver was in desperate need of a Seeker and if Professor McGonagall thought this first year was skilled enough for the role then he'd gladly take him in. Besides, no one else in Gryffindor Tower was good enough for the spot.

 𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑩𝑶𝑹𝑵𝑬 (𝕺𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖂𝖔𝖔𝖉) 𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙿𝙻𝙴𝚃𝙴𝙳✔Where stories live. Discover now