You Can't Cancel Quidditch

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"Where's Airborne? The match is about to start." Oliver searched for the missing player, he was about to give his pre-game talk when he had instantly noticed the shortage of numbers in his team.

"I don't know, last time we saw her was during breakfast." Angelina explained looking concerned, she had also realized Marceline wasn't by her side.

"Maybe she's just running late. You know how she is." Alicia reassured but Oliver wasn't convinced, normally Airborne was never late to a match. She was only ever late to practices.

A sunken feeling had overcome him, what if she was in some sort of trouble. Being impatient, Wood decided to go look for her. He left his broom inside a locker and proceeded to walk out the exit.

"Oliver, where are you going mate?" George noticed the Captain head for the opposite way to the Quidditch Pitch.

"I'm off to find Marcy. All you lots stay here. No one is to leave this locker room until I say so." Wood instructed, leaving at once in hopes to find her as soon as possible before the game began.

The halls were extremely quiet since everyone was out by the pitch, he didn't like how silent the castle was. It gave an eerie kind of aura much like the dungeons, goosebumps formed at the back of his neck. Oliver really shouldn't be roaming around the halls alone, he probably should've brought Fred or George along with him.

"Oh Potter, you rotter. Oh what have you done. You're killing off students, you think it's good fun-" Peeves sang down the halls like the complete lunatic he is.

Oliver did his best to avoid the poltergeist as he continued to search for her in the next floor. It didn't take that long to find Marceline since she was calling out to somebody's name. Oliver was beyond relieved to see her alive and well. She was already in her scarlet robes, broomstick in hand as she (for some reason) was aggressively opening empty classroom doors. Only to get frustrated and move on to the next.

"Airborne, what in Merlin's name are you doing here? The match is that way." Oliver had caught up to her, she whipped her head over to meet his gaze.

"Have you seen Nico?" She looked like she was on the verge of a breakdown, he had never seen her worry this much before. It was concerning.

"Your brother? No, I-I haven't."

Marceline cursed under her breath, walking away, still determined to find Nico.

"Marcy, the game starts in ten minutes!" Oliver reminded frantically as he followed close behind her.

"The hell with that match, I need to find Nico! Mum's gonna kill me." Taking a look from one empty classroom to another. Slamming the door closed each time she saw no one inside.

"Are you sure he isn't by the stands?"

"He's not there, Oliver."

Marceline began explaining how Nico's roommates mentioned not seeing him for the entirety of the morning, he was supposed to join his friends by the stands to watch today's match but Nico hadn't made an appearance in the Great Hall. What if something bad had happened to him.

Oliver decided to help her look for her brother, knowing full well that Marceline wouldn't leave until she found Nico. Besides he couldn't just leave her here, what if the monster was nearby. He didn't want her to get petrified. Wood couldn't afford losing a player. The sooner they found the first year, the faster they'd get back to the pitch safely.

Luckily, they found Nico wondering in the second floor. Hiding in a cabinet full of cleaning supplies that Mr. Filch owned.

"Nico! Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere, you twat!" Marceline began scolding him for disappearing like that, pulling the first year out of the cabinet.

 𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑩𝑶𝑹𝑵𝑬 (𝕺𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖂𝖔𝖔𝖉) 𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙿𝙻𝙴𝚃𝙴𝙳✔Where stories live. Discover now