The Pep Talk

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Oliver tried to think this through. He had to admit that he kinda missed having Charlie as Captain. The freckled boy always had brilliant ideas and made teamwork happen. The downside of Captainship is getting the team to work as one, especially with Airborne. Sure, they had won the match last week but he had a strong feeling that the Chasers would have performed better under Wood's conditions. Marceline didn't completely follow his tactics and that's what caused the team to nearly lose if it weren't for Potter catching the Snitch.

Wood had mixed feelings for Airborne, he didn't consider her as his younger sister not like Johnson and Spinnet. It was different for Marceline, it was as if she was that one friend in a group whom you'd never get along with but somehow tolerate each other's presence.

He hated to admit this to anyone even to himself but... it was true, he had fancied the girl back in his second year. In fact, many guys have fancied her. Although throughout the years he had managed to suppress those weird feelings and focus solely on Quidditch. Thinking that maybe it was just some stupid crush and that he'd get over it.

So here he was, looking for her in attempt to have a little chat about her gameplay. Oliver wanted to make his approach as calm and well composed as he was with the Weasley twins. Sure, Fred and George weren't exactly the most obedient team members but they were nothing compared to Marceline.

"Have you seen Airborne?" Oliver asked frantically, he needed to also inform her about practice but she was no where to be found. Not even Angelina, who had the same schedule as Marceline, knew where the Chaser was.

"Uh, I swore I saw her head for the pitch." One of Marceline's roommates replied, Oliver quickly made his way outside.

He passed by the locker room to obtain his broom and headed out into the sunlight.

Oliver finally found her after searching around the castle. Her live snidget was no where in sight. She was alone which was odd because half the time she would be around Adrian Pucey. She seems to have recovered from what had happened last week. He took deep breaths, trying to stop his heart from beating so fast before calling out to her.

"Airborne." Oliver had a habit of calling his teammates by their last names, maybe he should change that.

"What do you want, Wood?" Marceline frowned at the sight of Oliver, he was the last person she wanted to see today.

"What are you doing?" Oliver asked curiously, he never thought that she'd ever come by here aside from Quidditch training days.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Practicing." Marceline swiftly shot the Quaffle straight through the middle hoop from a far distance without anyone trying to block it.

Oliver hardly considered that as practicing when there was no challenge involved.

"By yourself?" Wood raised an eyebrow in a skeptical manner.

"Supposedly I was gonna invite Bell but she was busy so..." Marceline shrugged, pulling her wand out to summon the Quaffle back to her hand.

He wanted to gain her respect and decided to join her even though she didn't even ask him to. Oliver mounted his broom and took his usual position as Keeper. Marceline seemed to be fine with it.

"So, I think you and I got on the wrong foot." Oliver piped up.

"What makes you say that?" Marceline played dumb just to piss him off and Oliver knew it. He didn't let that bother him or it would mean that she was getting her way.

"Look, a team will always fail if a player is constantly falling behind..." Oliver tried to reason, her facial expression was serious.

Airborne didn't reply back in fact she completely ignored him and flew straight towards him at high speed, Quaffle in hand. She aimed for the right hoop. Oliver moved infront of the right hoop instinctively but just as he was ready to block, the Quaffle changed course and swerved right through the middle hoop. Wood stared at Airborne, not really believing what just happened.

 𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑩𝑶𝑹𝑵𝑬 (𝕺𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖂𝖔𝖔𝖉) 𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙿𝙻𝙴𝚃𝙴𝙳✔Where stories live. Discover now