Letting It Happen

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For the mean time, Marceline roamed around the castle on a wheelchair and lets just say it wasn't the easiest task. Especially with all the bloody stairs Hogwarts had. Airborne had been allowed to use magic outside of classes only to solely levitate herself up the flight of stairs.

Just as anticipated, Hufflepuff was flattened by Ravenclaw which gave Gryffindor higher chances of making it to Quidditch Finals. Now all they needed was for them to win against Ravenclaw, Wood had started to become heptic with their practice schedule in exception for Marceline since she couldn't fly.

Winter came around once more, leaving the school grounds freezing cold and covered in thick sheets of snow. Marceline was using two crutches to walk forward down the streets of Hogsmeade. She didn't fancy using her wheelchair over the snow, it'd get its wheels stuck every now and then. Adrian insisted that he'd carry her but the girl rejected saying she could handle things herself. Besides, Adrian was more useful in holding all her shopping bags. The two had gone Christmas shopping a week before their departure from Hogwarts. They were currently heading back towards the carriages and return to the castle to start packing their stuff.

Students became more cautious when they went outside, especially after with what had happened to Potter. The Dementors had somehow managed to get past the school's barrier on that day they lost against Hufflepuff, Dumbledore was furious and immediately banished the Dementors back outside. But even after Dumbledore got rid of them, it felt as if the school barrier did nothing to make the students feel safe anymore. Now that she thought about it, maybe she should get special lessons on casting Patronuses.

"Do you think they'll catch him?" Adrian pointed to one of the many wanted posters spread across Hogsmeade, Sirius Black's face could be seen from every corner of the town.

"Hopefully." Marceline sighed with doubt, normally it wouldn't take this long for the Ministry to find an escapee especially one from Azkaban but now she wasn't so sure whether to truly rely on them.

"Got any plans for the holidays?"

"Loads. Visiting my family back in Italy again. I expect you've got a full schedule, no?" Marceline also planned on visiting her father's grave, to replace the old flowers.

Adrian smiled weakly and nodded at her question. Pucey had offered to carry her shopping bags up to Gryffindor Tower but he wouldn't be able to step past Sir Cadogan since the guardian refused to let a Slytherin enter the tower. Adrian had also helped her up the stairs, being the gentleman he always was taught to be.

"Marcy- I... have something to tell you." Adrian had stopped infront of the portrait, gently laying the bags on the floor.

"Who's there?! I ain't afraid of you!" Sir Cadogan shouted, pointing his sword towards them, only to realize it was just a couple of students. The two had ignored the knight.

"Tell me what?" Marceline expected him to say some kind of joke or tease but what he did next was something she never would have guessed.

He placed a hand under her chin, swiftly pulling her face closer to his. Marceline didn't even have time to react as she felt Adrian press his lips against hers. Marceline was paralyzed in place, her mind going instantly blank. Adrian had pulled away after a few seconds to see her reaction.

The crutches fell to the ground as she wrapped her arms around his neck for support, pulling him in closer. Marceline had crashed her lips onto his for another snog, this time their lips moved in sync.

She never really thought of Adrian as more than a friend but now that they were currently in this position, her perspective started to change. He liked her. And she now realized that she liked him back. This profound feeling made her insides tingle.

 𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑩𝑶𝑹𝑵𝑬 (𝕺𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖂𝖔𝖔𝖉) 𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙿𝙻𝙴𝚃𝙴𝙳✔Where stories live. Discover now