Chapter one

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Present Day —> Lila

Beep! Beep! Beep! My damned alarm clock peals. A high screechy sound that leaves a ring in my ears and probably deafened the neighbors. I roll over and slam my hand onto the wretched thing. A splintering sound and a crunch of metal later I realize that I may have slammed it too hard. Great. Just great. There goes my airplane ticket I've been saving for.

I am seventeen years old - old enough to move out if I had the money. But I don't so that's why I'm saving. My mom or dad don't pay a penny towards me . Dad didn't hasn't paid any child support for since I was thirteen and mom spends all her petty euros she makes as a waitress on booze and cigarettes. So I have to use my Spar and Costa money so she doesn't die of malnutrition aswell as my food and I'm trying to save enough so I can escape from this hell.

I slowly remove myself from the bed and pull on my clothes. I am about to grab a little red mini skirt. I hesitate. This skirt isn't me at all, I only bought it to try to fit in , but hey that didn't work! I search the closet and decide on my black ripped jeans and my burgundy hoody. Comfy is much better than fancy and besides it's only high school.

I arrive at school and find a space in the parking lot. I open the door and rush to class as I am about to be late. As I enter the shark attack world of the classroom I can already feel the judgmental eyes on my eyeliner.

My eyes and my eyeliner skills are one of the only things I like about myself. My eyes are an icy blue color. Cold and harsh and mean , one of the reasons why nobody pokes fun at me verbally at least. I'm sure they laugh at me in their stupid heads or when I'm not around.

Anyway first class is Mr Bates and it's math. I internally groan.
Once first three periods are over I am in the cafeteria. I glance over at the "populars" and Nate meets my eye. I quickly look away. Nate is the biggest jerk in the entire year and I do not want his arrogant eyes on me and I definitely don't want his idiotic thoughts on me. I hurry away and sit at my table and turn my focus to the fries and gravy piled in a big heap on my paper plate. I stare at them so long that the gravy seeps through the flimsy paper.
For gods sake can't the school afford better plates??

I peel my eyes away and sneak a glance up. To my shock Nate is watching me. No wait ..... spying on me. I give him the finger. Stupid idiot

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