Chapter 1

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Three Years Ago.

It was the day the same one one which I had dreaded with all my heart, the one which had graced me with countless sleepless night, always nagging and there at the back of my mind. I knew this day would come,hell it was inevitable I thought I was prepared though googling up what to expect and how to avoid it, I thought I was ready but fuck was I wrong.

"Hey are you ready?"
"If I said no will you let me go?"
"Sadly no"
"Then why ask?"
"Just courtesy"

"Ughhhhh" I groan "i don't wanna do this I don't wanna go what if they don't like me?"I ask
"That's the least of your worries "

" Fuck I need to say goodbyes to my friends"
"You don't have friends"He responds dryly.

"Ouch" I state placing my hands on my heart in mock hurt
" oh please you barely have a heart"
"So any parting words, any lecture on sex education?"
"You are old enough"
"I'm 14"
"What I said"
"Why are you doing me like this Alfred I'm leaving"I whine.

"Maybe you should have thought about the outcome before you decided to release the snakes from your Bio lab not to mention setting your school on fire along with some students and prestigious people in it"
"It was just my principal and some bullies in it"I reason
"How the heck are you being bullied in an all white school"
"Maybe cause I ain't completely white"
"But now they are in the hospital"He argues definitely not seeing why I'm not remorseful.
Hell I would do it again.
"serves them right"He shakes his head
"Get out of the car"

"Aren't you gonna say heartfelt words and tips on how to survive in a boarding school for delinquents aka weirdos whose parents can't take their shits anymore" I question
"Considering the fact I never went to one, No I won't don't worry you will survive now get lost"i grumble before putting my hood on and getting out of the car, Alfred calls for me.
"I love you"He smiles.He rarely smiles.
"Yeah yeah fuck you too"I smile back.I shrug my bag further up my shoulder,and dust my shorts remembering Alfred warnings on looking presentable cause you know first impression counts.
Alfred horns one last time,and then zooms out of the school gate onto the street promising to come pick me up at the end of the week.
Great I can't wait!!

That's sarcasm
Two men in uniforms and a woman starts walking towards me and i assume they are security and she's the principal or whatever.

"Dorothy Artemis Anderson?"One of the men asks reading off a paper.
What's the deal with my middle name.

"That's me"I raise an eye brow popping my gum.
"Welcome to OAKLAND SPECIAL ACADEMY.My Name is Miss Albert your Vice Principal. They will assist you with your luggage's"The woman says.
By assist I hope they mean carry it all.
Vice Principal then.

"Your presence is awaited in the Administrative office we will lead the way and then put your luggage's in your assigned room"Mrs Albert says before walking swiftly towards the office and the men's carry my luggage's thankfully all I'm left with is my back pack.

We enter the building the men's going the opposite way, they better be careful with my bag.

We reach in front of an office the word Principal written across the door.Mrs Albert knocks before we hear a come in.

"Remove your gum"Mrs Albert says before walking in.
Frankly I don't like her already.

"Mr Williams this is the new transfer Student Miss Dorothy"She says before going to sit down revealing my 5'3 height.I wave before going to sit too.

"Miss Dorothy,how do you see the school?"He
Ask. Forgive me for not knowing how to answer that.

"Uhm I- I see it like how I see every other thing"I say scratching my deep black colored loose curly hair.
They stare at me.
"I said remove the gum Miss Dorothy"Her face turns red in anger as she repeats again.
"But I only recently popped it in after I entered the school,Madam If is it in any way disturbing you that's not my problem"I state staring at her with a raised brow.
"You spoilt little br-;
"That's enough Miss Albert,She is not yet familiar with our system"Mr Williams cuts her off.He turns to me.
"Now Miss Dorothy,you will learn to respect your elders irrespective of where you come from or what you have been taught,This is a religious school and we will not hesitate to teach adequate morals and install discipline,is that clear?"I nod.I don't think I could say otherwise.
"Here's your class schedule,your locker number and code, room number and code and basically everything you will need to find your way,your uniform and books are in your room"He checks the time.
"And if you hurry up, you can make it on time for fifth period, that is all you may take your leave"He says.
I stand up before sharing a glance towards Miss Albert before blowing my gum and she glares at me.
I step out of the office not before hearing Miss Albert say
"What a rude little brat"

No wonder she's still a miss, who can put up with her.
I follow the guide to my hostel room which I will be sharing with someone,I open the door finding no one my room mate probably in class.
They are two bunk like beds opposite each other except instead of a bed underneath there's a study table and chair along with a laptop and a lamp, two wardrobes are suited in the corner one for each side and I see a door, I go to open it finding out it's a small room like a store with some random stuffs in it.My bags are laid at my side of the room.

It's okay as long as I'm not at my house.
I decide to ditch class wondering what's there to learn when five out of eight classes are done.I strip out of my hoodie remaining in my shirt and I climb up the bunk laying on the pretty soft bed as I sigh contentedly,I grab my AirPods putting it in my ears and hopefully praying I fall asleep.

The opening of the door awakens me from my slumber and I sit straight meeting a surprised face.I see her mouth moving but I can't hear anything,she gestures with her hand for me to remove my AirPod and I do.

"I said you are here already,Dorothy Anderson right?"she smiles.i nod.
"My names Aubrey Carson,we are roommates"she says walking into the room before dropping her things on the bed. She seems nice enough.
Another figure enters grabbing my attention and I'm meet with a strikingly bright green eyes,honestly the brightest green eyes I have ever seen,his hair is a very dark red color,a unique feature that makes you wanna keep looking.He stops in his tracks at the door before fully entering the room,For some reason we maintain eye contact.
"Hey Jamari what's up?"Aubrey asks.He doesn't answer,he just keeps staring at me.He then turns to Aubrey with a raised eyebrow as if asking who I'm.
"Oh hey this is Dorothy Anderson,she's my roommate"Aubrey  introduces.
"Nice to see you Anderson"He says lowly,before nodding.

He reminds me of fire.
Well this is just got a whole lot more interesting.

Soo this is my first story and I hope it gets better from here❤️
And I have been a reader for a long time,before deciding to write something.
Soooo here's my something and I hope you enjoy it.

Love fulfillment ❤️

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