Chapter 5

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"I didn't do it Mrs Albert I swear!!"

I'm in Mrs Albert office after being dragged all the way from my dorm and through the hallways.

Avoiding stares of students with different expressions on their face.
Some of them curiosity, some shock.
Some even relief.

Despite yelling my innocence all throughout the unjust arrest I'm still here.

They even put me in cuffs.
Like I'm just 17 this should be illegal.
Or not .

"Your swearing proves nothing Miss Dorothy,all evidence points to you, we found the drugs in your bag and it's not a secret about your thing for fire"She mused adjusting her glasses.

"Gosh this is a set up,you have to investigate.Look I know I'm not the most innocent but I really don't know anything"

I'm really desperate for her to believe me.

"Are you insinuating that someone put the drugs in your bag?"she asks raising her perfectly trimmed eyebrows.

I nod.
She thinks I'm ridiculous.

"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying,it's very possible,please Mrs Aubrey I know you don't really like me but please give me time I will prove myself innocence,and bring you the culprit"I beg. Interlacing my fingers together to form a fist.

"And who do you suppose the culprit is"she inches forward.

I mean I don't know but Sophia might,

But I won't say that.
Just Incase I'm wrong which I can't afford to be.

"I have my suspicions but they are mere suspicions just let me go and I will reveal the culprit"I'm literally on the edge of my sit right now.

Honestly I can't believe this happened to me.

Of all people,I hardly take drugs yes I have taken but that's rarely.

Sure I have had my history with fire but it doesn't mean anything.

I don't know how that stuff got in there but I'm gonna find out.

"Dorothy it's only you that has access to the doors, well other than Aubrey,and we all know what happened to her unless she came back and put stuff in there or you gave your emergency key to someone you shouldn't"

I mean it's only Amy I gave my key too.
Come to think of it she was in my room before the search.

Nope I'm definitely not suspecting my Best friend.

"Just give me time"I plead,I will go on my knees if she wants me too.

"That's what you don't have,now before I send you to Mr Williams office,we have to call your parents"

I let out a dark chuckle.

This took a 36o.
"Unless you can make a call that connects to hell,I don't think that's possible"I mumble crossing my legs.

She scrunches her brows confusedly.

"I didn't.......I didn't know your parents were....."she says scanning through my files and her brows furrows when she spots my parental status.

"It says here that your Mother is  alive" Looking up from my file she adjusts her glasses.
"Yeahhh But she's me"i spit.

"You know must people will say heaven instead of hell"she says looking confused.

"Only good people goes to heaven"I shrug.

"Well I'm sorry for your Fathers demise"
She's not.

"I'm not"I shrug once again.

"Wel-;  The telephone next to her table rings cutting her off from what she was about to say.

"Yeah she's in here"

"Ohh Mr Williams is busy? Yeah sure babe, she will wait at your office"
That can only mean one person.
They are talking about me.

"Okay I will send her in right away"She says nodding before dropping the telephone.
I get up already knowing who called.

"Where's the place again?" I ask wiping my sweaty palms on my dark blue plaid skirt.

"Right down the hall turn left,I will be there soon"she says rearranging the stuffs on her desk.

I gulp,before turning my self around gripping the edge of my thigh length skirt tightly,it's a little bit short.

What will we do without leggings.

I take heavy steps towards the door,counting it quietly, releasing my now crumbled skirt from my shaking fingers to dig it into my palm,I curse tiredly closing my eyes to get rid of the moist there.

Anything at all to get me to wake up from this god forsaken nightmare and maybe just to bring me down from my escalating state of panic.
Or better still.

To disappear just like Aubrey but to a place where there's is no hope,no chance of coming back,where I could unresistingly succumb to the oh soo quiet and tranquil state.
Well that is before all hell break loose.

I need help.
I feel my legs walk and and my hands lift to open the door and I close my eyes tiredly.
I wish I would just disappear.

In no time I'm at the door of his office and I wipe at my grey colored eyes,cleaning the tears gathered there, it makes my vision blurry, they are always the one to release tears first and a little later my blue colored eyes join in. It's annoying.

I stare at my now wet white uniform sleeve and more tears threaten to pour out I hide my hands completely under my long sleeve.
I bang my head on the door before repeatedly hitting my hand on my head muttering how weak and stupid I'm.

I don't even know why I'm crying I guess I'm just .....scared.
I don't want to be in the same office with him alone.



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