Chapter one

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Twelve years later, fifteen-year-old Sam Campbell was peacefully sleeping in his bed tossing and turning since he had been dreaming about the night his parent's house got broken into. He vaguely remembered his mother picking him up and taking him to his grandparent's house. He remembered that when he turned fifteen he was going to find his brother even if it meant searching the entire town. After all where else would his older brother be? Sam groaned as he heard someone knocking on his door.

"Sam," he heard his grandfather say. "Kid, time to wake up,"

"Five more minutes grandpa," Sam said as he turned over to his left side.

"Alright, guess the birthday boy doesn't want any pancakes," Sam's grandfather responded. Upon hearing that his grandmother was making some pancakes, Sam sat up and threw the blankets off of him.

"Okay, I'm awake!" Sam exclaimed. He got out of the bed as he allowed his grandfather to lead him to the dining room. When he entered he could smell not only the pancakes but also bacon and sausage.

"Happy birthday Sammy," his grandmother said as she finished cooking some food.

"Food smells good, grandma," Sam said, smiling widely. "What are we doing today?"

"Well I was thinking you and I could go to the store and get your birthday cake," Sam's grandfather said. "What do you say? You can pick the cake and everything,"

"Of course," Sam said as he started eating his breakfast. While things were well in the Campbell household, it wasn't the same for Dean Winchester however. He could barely get any sleep since Crowley wouldn't even leave him alone. Another day had gone by and he was nowhere near close enough to getting away from Crowley. His alarm had gone off earlier and he just wished he could sleep off everything that he had gone through the previous days.

"Turn that alarm off squirrel it's hurting my ears," Crowley complained from down the hall. "And hurry up or you'll be late,"

"Ah shut up old man!" Dean called back and turned his alarm off. "Not like you do much, just sit around and drink," Dean said under his breath.

"Don't make me come in there, boy!" Crowley yelled. "Remember what I've always told you, you're ugly and I'm the only person you can tolerate," he continued. Dean was used to these comments but it didn't make them hurt any less. "Now move your butt and grab the shopping list off the table or else," he threatened.

"Yeah yeah, I'm going," Dean said as he got dressed. He wore ripped jeans and a plain white shirt with a leather jacket that could help hide all the scars and bruises that Crowley had basically placed on him since he was six. Dean pulled on his shoes and did his best to make his hair look at least nice. After he was done getting dressed he walked to the kitchen and grabbed not only his keys but also the shopping list. Dean briefly looked over the list and saw that the first thing was White Claw and Crowley wanted the twenty-four pack. "Great, just what I need to get, more alcohol," Dean said to himself. "I'd better stay in my room today then," Dean walked out of the house and got into his Chevrolet impala. Backing out of the driveway, Dean made his way to the nearest grocery store. Sam wandered the grocery store with his grandfather trying to pick out what he wanted.

"So which cake do you want, kid?" Samuel asked.

"I want the carrot cake like every year," Sam answered. He was a health nut so even when his treats had vegetables in them. "Oh I like that one," he continued pointing to the biggest one he saw.

"You must be the only kid who doesn't want Chocolate in their cake," Samuel joked as he picked up the cake. Sam said it was because he was cool but his grandfather told him to pick something out and meet him back at the front. "Yeah you're one of the cool kids, go pick out a present maybe they have something you like,"

"Grandpa I'm fifteen," Sam reminded him. He sighed realizing that he wasn't going to get a response he walked off looking for anything that might interest him. "What I want isn't something you can buy," he whispered, grabbing his locket. The teen was so lost in thought that he didn't realize that someone else was heading his way and he bumped into the man. "Ow,"

"Watch where you're going kid," Dean said as he saw the fifteen-year-old had run into him. "Otherwise you'll get run over,"

"And who are you, the unwelcome wagon?" Sam asked, crossing his arms. "Look down next time, old man," he continued. Dean wanted to say something but when he saw the kid he noticed that the kid had the same eye color as him. Green, Dean rolled his eyes at the same time part of the locket that he had came out from his shirt sparkling under the light.

"I am not that old," Dean said to Sam. "Look, all you need to do is watch where you're going or at least walk with your parents," Dean had grabbed all that he needed and walked away from Sam not realizing he had just run into his younger brother.

"Stupid old man, what does he know?" Sam grumbled to himself. He briefly checked his neck to make sure that his locket was still there luckily it was. Sam also checked his pockets to make sure the man hadn't stolen anything off him like his wallet. Despite the unfortunate meeting he had with the guy, Sam couldn't help but think about the brief necklace he noticed. It had only been for half a second so maybe it was nothing but there was no time to dwell on that, he had places to be.

"Sam come on kid!" Samuel called out. He was at the front entrance waiting for his grandson to meet him.

"Coming," Sam replied.

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