Solving the Case

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"Ran! Let's go too!" Conan said, tugging on Ran's sleeve.

"What? Wait-" Then they ran off, with me following closely behind.

As we climbed inside the cab, I could hear the old geezer chanting in joy.

"A case! A case! A case is calling me...!" the man named Mouri Kogoro laughed to himself. "Never fear, the great private investigator Mouri Kogoro will look everything over!!"

"More like, 'overlook everything,' instead..." 

Mouri turned around to see Ran staring at him with an unimpressed look.

"What!? What are you doing here!?" He yelled, spraying his spit everywhere. Ew.

"It wasn't me, it was him..." Ran looked at Conan with a nervous expression.

"A car ride! Yay!" He said, throwing his arms in the air. Pfft, nice acting, kid.


"A relative of Shinichi's!!"

"Well, get out! You're both in the way of my case!"

"Are you crazy!? We're on the highway!" Ran shouted back. "We can't get out!"

I sigh, waiting for the chaos to die down. I don't think I can do anything about this.

It was a long car ride, but we got there eventually. I hopped out, my feet landing on the ground with a thump.

"Huh?" I turned around to see the old man looking at me. "Who are you?"

"Conan's twin sister, Irene," I respond with an innocent smile. "Who are you, old man?"

"Wh–This brat..!" I turn around to walk to the entrance, ignoring Kogoro, but he quickly stepped in my way.

"How rude, do you talk to your parents that way?" He frowned down at me, crossing his arms. Haha, this is so amusing.

I tilted my head to the side. "Did I say something wrong?"


"Don't you have a case to solve, old man?" I ask, attempting to distract him from the previous topic.

"Huh? What are you––wait, the case!" Kogoro ran off.


"So let me get this straight..." Kogoro held up a photograph of a smiling little girl hugging a dog twice her size. "Tani Akiko, ten years old, your only daughter, was kidnapped."

He looked up and made eye contact with a man with a big mustache.

"And you're saying that the kidnapper was a large man dressed in black?"

"Yes..." the man said. He looked a bit nervous, but I guess you can't blame him since his daughter just got kidnapped. "My butler witnessed the whole thing."

He then angrily turned toward the old man in the back. "Isn't that right, Aso?"

"Y-yes, sir..."

"We're there any other witnesses?" Kogoro took out a pen and a notebook and wrote down the known details.

"He was gone before anyone else saw him, but everyone ran out once they heard Miss Akiko scream."

"Hmm....." Kogoro scribbled something down. "I see..."

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