Case Closed!

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Ran and I burst open the door to see Conan about to get pummeled by a man holding a wooden bat.

"Conan!" I cry out, distracting the man for a split second.

Using this moment, Ran charged towards the man, and kicked him in the face. I run to Conan's side to check on his condition.

It looks like he doesn't have any major injuries, and only a had few scratches and bruises from being hit once or twice. 

"Are you alright?" I ask, just in case I missed anything.

"I'm fine. Thanks for coming here, or I would've been dead," he scratched the back of his head.

"That's... good to hear, I guess," I look back at Ran to see that she had already knocked the kidnapper unconscious.

"Your girlfriend is really strong, huh?" I smirk, keeping my voice low for only Conan to hear.

"Yeah she really is–" Conan said while nodding his head. "W-wait, she's not my girlfriend..!"

"Fine, then future girlfriend," I turn my attention away from the blushing boy and to the little girl in the corner with her hands tied up. That must be Akiko.

Beside her, I notice both of the guard dogs sniffing each other and wagging their tails, probably saying hello. Getting up, I go and greet the little girl.

"Hi, you must be Akiko-san? It's nice to meet you!" I squatted down behind her and started to untie her restraints. "Your dad is worried sick about you, so let's get you home as soon as soon as possible."

"T-thank you! May I ask for your name?" Akiko turned her head to get a better look at me.

"Edogawa Irene, the twin sister of that boy over there," I gesture with my head to Conan who was still catching his breath, with Ran nee-san sitting next to him.

"Hm? But you don't look anything alike!"

"That's because we're fraternal twins," I finally undid the rope.

"What does it mean, fraternal twins?"

"It means–" I stop. How do I explain this to a child? Oh, wait, that's easy. "Twins that don't look the same."



I take the rope that was used to hold Akiko and brought it over to Ran. "Can you help me tie up the scary man?"

"Oh, yes!"

"Conan, take Ran nee-san's phone and call oji-san. Let him know we're here,"

"Already on it," he held up a red phone with a cute keychain. It was Ran's phone.


Ran had the man sit up and I tied his hands behind his back. Once we were done, we sat him up against the shelves and settled down on the opposite side of the room. 

We could  leave the kidnapper here, but it'd be a shame if he escaped. So we decided to keep a safe distance away and wait for the detective to come with the police.

It was quiet for a while, so I decided to break the ice. "Ran nee-san, you were so cool when you fought with the scary man! It was a lot like the movies. Do you take karate?"

Ran looked surprised for a second, then smiled at me. "Yes, I do."

"Wow, that's so cool!" I exclaimed. Sensing that this conversation was starting to come to an end, I turn to Akiko. "Akiko-san, how did you get kidnapped anyway? Weren't you confined at the hotel?"

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