Jimmy's mocking

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It was another day at Bob's burgers, it was the afternoon when the lunch rush was coming into Bob's restaurant. Bob's eyes widened a bit at how many people were coming in the moment it was around 10:30 AM. Bob immediately started to welcome the customers who walked into the restaurant, He raised his voice so that Linda and the kids would come downstairs to help out. Linda came downstairs with a slightly upset looking face. Even though she seemed happy a while ago she now had her eyebrows furrowed. Bob could tell that there was something up with her. He sped walked up to her since he was kind of rushed yet concerned for his wife, he put his hand on her shoulder and asked quickly "What's wrong Lin?" Linda flinched a little when he put his hand on her shoulder almost like she didn't want him to do that however she replied with a slight tone saying "I don't like how you yelled at me and the kids!" Bob replied "What do you mean?" She rolled her eyes and said "How do you not know? You do that literally every time it's the lunch hour! Why can't you just say it kindly for once?" Bob raised his eye brow not understanding why she's acting like this "Look Lin..I'm sorry for yelling at you and the kids but I really need your help right now, we're running out of time...can you PLEASE help me?" He asks in a slightly annoyed tone. Linda of course picks up on his tone and says "I'll help but you better cut that out Bob. I'm serious" she walks past him not looking at him in the eyes. Bob's lips curve into a slight frown not meaning to upset her. He walks to the front where he would meet his friend Teddy, he asks "What would you like to eat Teddy?" Teddy looks over at the corner on the right where the sign is and replies "I would like the burger of the day Bobby!" Even though Bob doesn't admit it, the presence of his friend is always enough to make him feel better, Bob's frown curves slightly upwards and he says "gotcha" he walks quickly to the station and begins to wash his hands before preparing the burger of the day. Once he does he gets to work. Orders come rushing in as Linda hands them to Bob on one of the sticky notes from the notepad. Bob finishes making the food and brings out the plate to Teddy. He hears a very faint whistle sound so he looks to his left where he would see his rival Jimmy pesto making a little dance to make fun of Bob's muffin top, at one point he starts to shake his ass causing Bob to blush slightly. As he began to place the plate down slowly he grips it tightly, Jimmy stuck his tongue out at him making Bob put the plate down harshly. A sharp breaking sound catches his own attention noticing he accidentally broke the plate he served his friend's food in. He flinched back in surprise and apologized to Teddy "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Teddy, let me go get you another plate.." Teddy raises his hand only a little bit in a motion that it's okay "No no, it's fine Bobby" he says picking up a French fry and eating it. Bob's face became more flustered with how embarrassed he felt knowing that he let Jimmy get the best of him. Bob tried to ignore pesto but the more he did the harder he tried to get Bob's attention. At one point while Bob was working Jimmy walked across the street to be outside his window making more annoying dances. Once Bob finished giving the last order he went outside and started scolding Pesto. "What the hell Jimmy!! Why do you keep doing that???" Jimmy shrugged "I don't know what you're talking about Bob! Why so angry hmmm??" He asked leaning the back of his head on the glass crossing his arms. Bob replied "Oh I'll tell you why, all you ever do is annoy the hell out of me, make fun of me and my family when you don't even have a complete one!!" The moment Bob let those words escape his mouth he instantly regretted it. He wasn't that horrible...why was he saying such a thing to pesto?? Jimmy's eyes widened unable to believe what he just heard, he turned his head to the side and removed the contact of his head against the glass. He glared at Bob and without a word walked away onto the street and back into his restaurant. Bob held his hand out for Jimmy not meaning to harm his own rival. By all means Bob doesn't like him but for some reason this made him feel terrible..yet he wasn't sure why it did. He walked back into his own restaurant and continued on with his day. Once it was closing time he and his family walked outside so that he could close the restaurant, Linda and the kids all went on without him as usual. Bob locked the door and as he started walking to the other door that led to his home he gets this strange feeling that someone is watching him. He turns to the direction he assumes it's in and sees a Jimmy staring at him through the restaurant window. Bob flinches out of surprise. And Jimmy does as well. They both awkwardly look away and Bob quickly rushes to the door and walks in feeling a bit embarrassed yet still guilty. Just as he was walking he accidentally bumps into Linda. Linda's eyes are furrowed in a pissed off way "Why were you taking so long hmm?" Bob gulps and says "Well..it's kind of weird...I felt as if someone was looking at me and I turned around to see Jimmy staring at me! It became REALLY awkward...especially since-" Linda cuts off Bob and complains to him "Yeah yeah save it Bob! I can't believe it, first you treat me and the kids badly and now you pay more attention to Jimmy pesto instead of us or your own job! You're being selfish Bob! You're sleeping on the couch tonight!" Bob tenses up and says between cracks in his voice "Stop stop stop!!" Linda immediately recognizes that familiar sound in his voice. She doesn't hear it often but when she does it's heart breaking. She feels bad but tries to purposely tries to give him the cold shoulder. "Just think about what you've done....." she says walking up stairs to their bedroom. Small tears form in the corners of Bob's eyes. He tries to wipe the tears away but the more he does the more tears escape. He  begins to sob quietly feeling upset at how things have been going for him lately. He sits on the couch feeling lost in everything. His wife being upset with her, his kids being kind of distant and then Jimmy pesto making fun of him for no reason. Bob places his arm over his face only sobbing harder the more he thought about it. Eventually he falls asleep after crying for so long.

Jimmy pesto x Bob Belcher (REMAKE)Where stories live. Discover now