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It's 3:48 am when Bob wakes up suddenly from his sleep, the first thing he thinks is that he's not in his bed and the whole situation with Linda. He gets up from the couch and stretches feeling a bit sore from being in a awkward position. Bob begins walking up the stairs to finding his room. He squints barely being able to see from the pitch dark. Once he walks into the direction of his room he bumps into the door accidentally hurting his head a bit. He reaches for the door knob and opens it to see that Linda slept with the lamp on. He saw that Linda was half awake since he woke her up with the sound. Linda says "What- what happened?" Bob explained to Linda "Sorry Lin..I just bumped into the door since I couldn't see well..anyways...I just wanted to say...I'm really sorry for not being very good lately...I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or make the kids feel bad. I really screwed up with how I acted.." Linda's expression softens from a semi upset expression to a neutral one. She thinks for a minute and then says "Okay Bobby. I GUESS I forgive you..just be better next time" Bob nods his head and says in agreement "I will Lin.." Linda's lips curve into a slight smile, Bob was already by her bed side so she pulls Bob in close so that he accidentally falls onto her. He catches himself so that he doesn't crush Linda. She says " you want to fool around?" Bob's immediate instinct is to pulls away from her. He awkwardly says "Uh!..sorry Lin! I don't feel like doing that tonight..." Linda begins to furrow her eyebrows in anger. "Fine then Bob! She gets back on her side of the bed and slides under the overs, getting on her side to where she isn't facing Bob. Bob frowns again and asks "Can I please sleep here? The couch is uncomfortable to sleep in and my neck hurts" Linda says in a mocking voice "No I don't feel like it tonight!" Bob felt upset but he understood, without a word he left and went downstairs back to the couch where he'd lay down and pull a blanket he brought earlier over his body.

Time skip

It's the morning when Bob wakes up from his sleep. Eyes half lidded he gets up and reaches for his phone on the table to check what time it is. His eyes widen when he realizes that his family should be half way into eating breakfast right now. He quickly gets up and puts his shoes on. Bob speed walks into the kitchen seeing that their family is eating breakfast. Feeling a bit upset he asks "Why didn't any of you wake me up??" Linda looks up at him and makes a slightly annoyed face. She shrugs and continues eating. Bob sighed not understanding why she's been so different lately. He serves himself breakfast and sits down. Bob begins eating and he rushes trying to hurry so that he can make it with his family to work. Once his family finishes he decides to stop eating halfway through since it's getting late. Bob soon joins his family in the restaurant, he walks towards the door to move the sign to open. Teddy was the first person to walk in since he's been waiting in his truck like he usually does almost every morning or afternoon, after a few minutes more people walk in. Bob was getting ready to take the first order (which is ofc Teddy) and just before he was going to take his order he gets distracted by looking across the street to see his rival Jimmy pesto opening the restaurant in a rather off way. He almost seemed tired or like he didn't have much energy that morning because he didn't even bother to look at Bob although he realizes that Jimmy did in fact shoot a glance at him. Teddy looked up at Bob from where he was sitting a bit confused "Hey Bobby, you sure are looking at Pesto a awful lot?" That's when Bob snapped out of it. He looked back at Teddy and said "Sorry..I thought I saw something. Anyways what would you like to eat Teddy?" Teddy replies "The burger of the day! What is it..." he squints "The..cheese booger?" Bob facepalms "Louiseeeeee..." Louise tries her best not to giggle, she speaks between pauses in her voice "It was Tina dad..!" Tina decides to play along "Uh yeah dad, it's the cheese booger of the day" Bob rolls his eyes and says "Louise just erase it and write down what it once said okay?" Louise bursts out laughing and walks to the part of the wall where he usually hangs up the board. Louise jumps up to get it and erases it writing down what it said before in almost unreadable handwriting. Teddy shrugs and says "Yeah I still want burger of the day just that I guess it will be a surprise since I can't read that" Bob nods and gets into the kitchen working while Linda gets other people's order. As the day goes on it's the late afternoon when Bob decides to take a small break since there was no one else coming in for food. So he walks outside and turns on the water hose. He chooses to just water the side walk and mess around with it. He hears a sharp sound of a door closing at a semi close distance. He sees something out of the corner of his eye and when he glances he notices Jimmy messing with a water hose as well. Bob didn't even know Jimmy had one. However he chose not to bother his rival since he really hurt his feelings yesterday. He thinks to himself wondering how he could apologize without coming off as strange when out of nowhere he flinched from the feeling of cold water splashing onto his shirt causing it to become see through. Bob covers his chest with one of his arms. He hears a recognizable laugh coming from across the street. Bob felt upset wanting to take back all he thought of Jimmy. So then he aims towards the laughing man and splashes his pants. Causing his area to stand out a bit more. Jimmy's face almost instantly turns red with embarrassment. Bob gets the confidence to stop hiding his chest and instead point laughing at him. Trev was inside when he noticed the situation and decided it would be a good time to slowly but surely make a move on Jimmy. He walks out and joins them. Trev looked in which way Bob was pointing and noticed Jimmy's pants soaked in water. Trev grinned and says "Wow Jimmy you're so wet! We should get you cleaned up..~" he says in a affectionate tone. Bob's eyebrows raise instantly at this. Jimmy didn't get why Trev was acting this way but Bob took the hint he was giving to Jimmy. Bob raises his hands a bit and says "Woah woah woah...what are you trying to say Trev??" Trev shrugs not wanting to talk to him. He does speak to Jimmy though "Let's go Jimmy~" he says grabbing a hold of his Italian flag tie pulling him close. Jimmy didn't do or say anything from the shock kicking in. Not knowing before that Trev was flirting with him. His facial expression was mainly confused. Bob stomps across the street not even caring whether cars were passing or not. That wasn't the important part to him. He got close to Jimmy and slapped Trev's hand causing Trev to flinch back in pain removing his hand from his rival's tie. Jimmy raised his eyebrows not expecting this sudden rage from Bob. Trev rubs his hand and says "What was that for Bob!?" Bob grits his teeth "Oh I don't know! Maybe you should give a man some space don't you think!?" Bob glares at Trev and they exchange a serious death stare. Jimmy speaks up "Woah there! don't have to get so violent for me! Just communicate nicely why don't ya?" Bob becomes a bit red himself realizing what a fool he made of himself but then he remembers the almost flirty tone Jimmy made "Jimmy..did you just...??" Jimmy realizes the way he spoke to Bob "! Shut up! Bob! ZOOM!!" Trev pretends to laugh with Jimmy as always. Without another word they both walk back into the restaurant. Bob is left there wondering what just happened.


Jimmy pesto x Bob Belcher (REMAKE)Where stories live. Discover now