The dance

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After Bob just went through the whole situation he stands there wondering what the hell just happened. Even though he hates Jimmy for some reason he was worried what was going to happen now. What if Trev doesn't give him space? Either way he brushed it off and walked back to his restaurant assuming that Jimmy can stand up for himself. When he walked in Linda had a big smile spread across her face which was a big change since it's been a good while since he's seen Linda this happy. Bob wonders what could possibly be on her mind so he asks a bit nervously what's up "Hey Lin..why are you smiling??" Linda grins widely and says "We're gonna go on a double date tonight!!" Bob's eyes widen "What!?" Linda's grin fades into a straight face. Trying not to get mad she says "Mort invited us over to Jimmy Pesto's on a double date and I said yes!" Bob's angry face changes into a worried face. He was upset at the fact that tonight is one of their busiest nights and she practically cancelled everything. And all to go to Jimmy's restaurant which he already KNEW was going to be awkward. He tried not to ruin her mood so he sighed and accepted what she just did "Yeah...that's fine.." Linda smiles but then it's noticeable that she feels confused "Hey Bobby, why are you splashed with water?" Bob says "Oh..yeaaahhhhh about that.." he says holding out his yeah. "Well let's just say that long story short but Jimmy sprayed water on me with his watering hose and I got wet because of it" Linda's mood takes another drop when she hears this "Oh Bob! You're always so over obsessed with that Jimmy guy! Why don't you pay more attention to me instead?" Bob felt his face become a little warm because he felt called out. Even though he wouldn't say he's obsessed with him he does accept the fact that he pays a lot of attention to him. Either way he became defensive and said in a suppressed annoyed tone "Actually Linda, I'm not at all obsessed with that guy out of all people. I hope you understand that" Linda replies a bit upset "Yeah yeah whatever." Bob rolls his eyes "Well at what time do we head over there?" Linda replies "In an hour! I suggest that you go shower Bob!" Bob nods "Okay should I dress?" Linda shrugs and replies "Anything is okay as long as it's not your dirty work clothes-" Bob says "Okay" and heads upstairs to get ready to shower.

Time skip

Once Bob gets out of the shower he walks towards his bedroom since his clothes are in there and picks out what would look nice on him. He begins to put on a light cream colored shirt with small white buttons. On top he puts on a brown blazer that's opened and not buttoned. For his pants he throws on a dark brown colored pants. And he puts on some light brown shoes and begins to comb his hair in front of the mirror. Bob sprays on his favorite cologne.

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Once everyone is done getting ready they all walk towards the door and exit it walking out into the evening to Jimmy Pesto's restaurant. His family walks eagerly to his restaurant but Bob walks a bit slowly behind all of them dreading it. A man opens the door for the family to which they all give a polite thank you. The man enters with them behind. Bob enters the restaurant last. He observes the place and the first thing he notices is the music. It was one of his favorite songs. Except the voice singing it was different. He could tell it was karaoke but it had a oddly familiar voice singing. He payed close attention to where the music and voice was coming from. Bob turned to his left and saw his rival Jimmy pesto..he was singing on stage seemingly confident. As they got seated for some strange reason Bob couldn't take his eyes off of him. Something just had his attention hooked on him. Jimmy hadn't even noticed that Bob sat down or walked in. Jimmy continued to sing until he got to Bob's favorite part. His voice became a little deeper "Ohhhh iiit's youuuuuu, that I lie with, as the aaaatom bomb locks innn" Bob covered his mouth unable to believe how strangely angelic his voice sounds. Jimmy's eye contact locks with Bob as he sang that. Even though Jimmy flinched when he saw that Bob was watching him he didn't lose focus on his song. He sang until the very end. The small crowd began clapping and cheering him on. Bob begins to nervously fidget with his hands when he sees Jimmy get off the stage and walk towards his table. It's not noticeable to Bob but Jimmy tries to gather his composure, he felt embarrassed that Bob witnessed him singing to the crowd. Of course he sometimes sees it through the restaurant windows but he never heard him before. When Jimmy arrived to the table he takes out a notepad and without acknowledging Bob very much he asks them if they'd like anything to which Linda replies with "A Pesto colada please!" Mort and his girlfriend order their drinks too the last to order his drink was Bob. Jimmy smirks deciding to tease Bob "Hey Bob! Would you like two drinks? You for you and your muffin top? HA! ZOOM!!" Bob rolls his eyes not amused "No thanks Jimmy." Jimmy crosses his arms and asks "So for real. Do you want something to drink?" Bob thinks about it and says "No I'm good, thanks, I'm scared that you'll get hair into my drink" Trev overheard this roast and says "How dare you..!" Jimmy turns to him and glares. He turns back towards Bob and says "Whatever-" he walks to the bar area to prepare their drinks. Meanwhile Tina, Gene and Louise all are with Andy, Ollie and Jimmy jr. of course Tina is trying to get Jimmy jr's attention. Yet Gene, and Louise are talking to Andy and Ollie. Louise felt bored since she doesn't really like being at Pesto's restaurant because it's boring to her. There's not always much to do besides talking which often gets boring after a while. Louise asks "Sooo...what should we do now? I'm bored..." Andy says "We should praise Ollie for existing and say our favorite things about him!" Ollie looks at him grinning widely "No Andy! We should be talking about you!" Andy says "Let's share pinkeye!" Ollie replies "Okay!" The twins begin to bump themselves onto the sides of the other twin's face where their eyes would touch/be in contact while saying "Ow!, ow!, ow!" Louise watches them awkwardly, she shakes her head "No...hmmmmm..Gene do you have an idea?" Gene replies to Louise's question "How about we go on stage and mess with the instruments?" He says staring directly at the drums. Tina thinks too and says "How about this. We all rate everyone's butts from 0-10" Jimmy jr says "I don't like that. Instead let's dance to some of my music" Louise disliked the idea and groans "uGhHhhh..we need something that EVERYONE would enjoy! Not just you guys!..we need something a game!" Gene thinks to himself for a moment and so do the twins until Gene suggests "How about we play a game of tag?" Louise shrugs her shoulders and smiled a bit pleased at the idea "I could go for some tag!" Andy says "As long as I tag Ollie!" Ollie responds "Not before I tag you first!" He reaches for Andy and tags him "Tag you're it!!" He runs off into the crowd of people who are now standing up. Louise on the other hand tags Gene "TAG!!" She runs off along with the twins Gene grins and runs towards her. Tina tags Jimmy jr's shoulder and says "come get me~" before running.

Jimmy pesto x Bob Belcher (REMAKE)Where stories live. Discover now