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Bob stormed out of the restaurant feeling terrible. Even though that same night he realized he somehow felt a certain way about Jimmy. He didn't understand what he felt towards Linda. Did his feelings fade or was there something still there? Either way he made his way towards the restaurant still having this feeling that he's being watched by Jimmy. He felt guilty for acting so cold towards his rival but it didn't make him feel any less frustrated. He unlocked the door and walked in and shut the door quietly. He knew where Linda would like to talk to him so he didn't bother looking around. Bob began to walk up the stairs. He walked around the corner and saw the door. He placed his hand on the doorknob and took a deep breath before slowly turning it. He managed to get a little bit of courage speaking out "L-Linda..?" He says in a shaky voice only expecting the worst. He opens the door and there she is..Linda is is sitting on the bed looking angry as hell. Her arms are crossed and she looks up at Bob "Bob. Sit down" she said. Linda scoots over to the side of the bed, Bob sits down beside her awkwardly since she was getting further away from him to show that she's mad. He fidgets with his hands as a reaction to the tension flowing in the air. Bob turned to Linda and asked "What have you been meaning to tell me Lin?.." Linda looks away and says "Bob..I just don't understand..where do you stand with Jimmy pesto?? seem to be so over obsessed with him that you don't even pay any attention to  me anymore. You've been distant with the kids and then tonight was a DISASTER. I took you so that we could have fun and brighten things up...but what you did was despicable! You've never looked at me like you did with Pesto in ages! Tell me. Exactly what the hell was that?" She said beginning to sound angrily. Bob sighed and hugged himself "Honestly. I don't know what that was. However I really don't think it meant anything. At all. The only reason why I seem obsessed is because I try to find ways to get back at him." Linda holds herself "Then why did you stare at him like that...I know you're Bi..what did it mean??" She asks. Bob raises his hand with his finger pointed but then he puts it down. He honestly didn't know what to tell her or how to explain so...he lied "Linda, I don't know how to explain why I stared at him but I promise you it wasn't what you were thinking and I wouldn't dare to date anyone. Especially a low life like Jimmy pesto" Linda looks at him still keeping her distance "You mean it Bob..?" Bob's eye contact with Linda loses touch for a second but to make it sound more believable he says "Yeah, of course" almost immediately. Linda tries to give him the cold shoulder. She says "Fine Bob. I forgive you but you're still sleeping on the couch okay??" Bob nods and gets up off their bed. Just before he leaves, Linda gives Bob a peck on the lips. Bob smiled awkwardly and walked away. He closed the door quietly to not disturb the kids. Bob walks down the stairs and walks towards the couch. He lays down on it covering himself with a blanket before shutting his eyes and instantly drifting into sleep

Meanwhile this is what happened over at Jimmy Pesto's shortly before Bob left.

Jimmy reaches his hand out in Bob's direction. He hears the sharp sound of the door slamming shut this sound causes Jimmy to flinch. Jimmy puts his hand back down. He felt upset. Even though his true emotions were a mix of sadness and confusion he turns to the small crowd of people who just watched the whole situation go down. He turns to the crowd who were looking at him for reaction. Just as he was about to shout something he would regret. He says in a semi quiet voice "It's almost closing time so please leave in a few minutes." His voice sounded a little shaky. Trev almost immediately recognized that something was going on. Even though he was upset that Jimmy used him. He couldn't just let Jimmy deal with this on his own. He loved him so much and it physically pained him to see Jimmy beginning to experience deep emotions. Jimmy quickly but subtly began walking towards the bathrooms. He walked into the restroom and shut the door loudly. Trev secretly followed Jimmy. Once he walked in he was surprised at the sight he saw. He knew it was going to happen but he ached at the sight. Jimmy was standing in a corner quietly crying. Trev looked back outside to make sure no one was going to intrude. When he saw the coast was clear he shut the door to which Jimmy turned his head to. Quickly he wiped away his tears and went back to his tough front he puts on for everyone. He speaks between cracks in his voice "W-What the hell are you doing here Trev! Just leave!" Trev says "But I-" Jimmy interrupts him "No! Leave! Now!" He raised his voice. Trev didn't want to leave so he stood up for himself "No! I'm not leaving you like this! I know there's something wrong...please Jimmy..let me listen to you. I swear on my soul I won't tell ANYONE." He put the emphasis on his last word. Jimmy crossed his arms accepting defeat "Fine. I'll tell you but if tell a SINGLE person I WILL not hesitate to find a way to make you regret it" Trev nodded and said "Deal. Now tell me. What's wrong" Jimmy's eyes look around the room to avoid looking at Trev's. "Well...I feel really confused about what just happened..I don't know what these weird feelings I have are...every time I see Bob...I can't help but want to tease him. Bother him. Make him mad. It's just a instinct at this point. But...I feel something else when I see stomach feels funny and my palms sweat. I blink a lot too." he says taking a moment to pause and see what Trev thinks or says. Trev furrows his eyebrows slightly at the last part. He notices it's his turn to talk "So....what you're saying is..that you like him....more than you think..." Jimmy's eyes widen as the taller man became defensive "What! No! Are you crazy? That's ridiculous! Who in the world would like someone like BOB BELCHER?" Trev sighed "Well...I guess that would be's almost definite..." Jimmy looks into one of the mirrors seeing what a mess he is. His eyes are dilated. Face turning a light shade of red. As he spoke his voice softens "So....what if I do like him....what do I do??" Trev says "Well here's the thing...I really don't understand. Why would you even like someone like Bob? What's so special about him? What has he done for you? Just really ask yourself that." Trev's voice sounding firm in the end. Jimmy thinks to himself for a moment and replies with "How could I not love him...he's such a loving man even if he's never shown that side to me of course. His laugh is nice to listen to. His voice..he brought me medicine that one time. He's adorable when he's angry and he's attractive too..he's too much. I just can't resist such a guy" Trev felt jealousy overwhelm him. Trev snaps "Just shut the hell up Jimmy!" Jimmy raises his eyebrows not expecting such a outburst. Trev says "Have you ever thought about how I feel? I've been here helplessly admiring you for YEARS. Bob on the other hand doesn't like you and never would because you're such a asshole to him! I don't think you realize this at all either because you're too oblivious or thinking about Bob and you're stupid rivalry all the damn time. Wake up! Because....I love you. I love you more than anyone else. No one will EVER love you more than me. I'll love you and cherish you for the rest of my life if you just give me a CHANCE" Jimmy's eyes widened and his mouth was slightly opened. Trev saw a opportunity. Even though Jimmy was left unable to speak. Trev stepped closer to the taller man. He got on his toes and pulls his Italian flag tie towards him. Causing Jimmy to get closer to him. Trev then pressed his lips against Jimmy's he closed his eyes and began to tilt his head to deepen the kiss. He wrapped his arms around Jimmy's neck.

Jimmy stood there frozen

Jimmy pesto x Bob Belcher (REMAKE)Where stories live. Discover now