Sex talk✨

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Betty felt heat flush on her face as she sat unmoving looking at the tv.

Jughead awkwardly wrapped his arm around Betty as they both wished that they could just melt into the couch.

An advert for condoms played on the screen as JB, FP and Alice were all sat in the living room along with the embarrassed couple.

JB cleared her throat and walked out of the room mumbling something about a 'glass of water'.

"Well at least someone's using them..." Alice murmured.

"Excuse me?" Betty spoke, argumentatively.

"Betty...I don't think-" Jughead tried to settle her.

"I'm just saying, at least some people are actually safe when they should be." Alice continued.

"If you seriously think that you're not going to get pregnant when you have no barrier at all then think again, young lady!" Alice cried.

"Oh my god, mom! Do you mind?" Betty yelled.

FP looked away in embarrassment, preparing himself to stand up before Alice pushed him back into his seat.

"Okay, maybe you don't know this because you're old, but birth control is 98% effective and condoms are only 97% so I'm being safer than I would be if we used condoms." Betty ranted.

JB had just walked into the room, freezing at the sound of Betty's voice.

"Yeah...I'm gonna call it a night." JB spoke as she started to climb the stairs.

"Good idea, me too." FP murmured, standing up and trying to make his way out of the room before Alice stopped him.

"Not so fast, FP." Alice spoke before turning the tv off.

"We need to have a serious discussion about this." Alice stated.

Betty rolled her eyes, huffing at her mothers antics.

Jughead just hid behind Betty as much as he could. He was mortified that this conversation was happening.

When FP first suspected that Betty and himself were sexually active, he just told him to be safe and be a gentleman.

He was not used to this.

"Look Alice, they're smart kids, they're not gonna do anything stupid." FP reasoned.

"We were smart kids too and look what happened to us!" Alice replied.

"Oh God Mom! We're not you! We're our own people, not carbon copies of our parents. I'm not gonna end up pregnant and alone because we're in a committed relationship. We're smart enough to talk about what would happen in that situation and I know that Jughead would be there for me!" Betty yelled.

Jughead sighed sadly next to his girlfriend, seeing her get upset.

"Betty, honey, why are you getting upset?" Alice asked, softening slightly.

"'s private and you shouldn't be getting involved. If I get pregnant, that's my problem, okay?" Betty yelled.

"Our! Our problem, Betts." Jughead interrupted, finally contributing to the conversation.

"And it would even be a problem." Jughead murmured.

Alice scoffed.

"As if taking care of a baby when you're 18 wouldn't be a problem!" Alice exclaimed.

"Listen, it would just make me a lot more comfortable if you guys were safer. Why don't you use cond-?" Alice starts.

"Because we don't want to, Mom! And before you even think that Jughead has convinced me to do this, don't! It's something that we both decided as a couple." Betty argued.

"Look, Alice, I love Betty more than anything. I would never do something that Betty feels uncomfortable with, ever! If the situation did come around that Betty was pregnant, I would be there for her every step of the way no matter what she decides to do." Jughead said.

Alice goes quiet.

"Boy, look, at the end of the day, wouldn't it just be smarter for you to use more protection?" FP suggests, gently.

"I know that you guys are scared because of what happened to you but our situation is completely different from yours. We'd be okay." Jughead said.

Alice sat down on the coffee table in front of them, head in her hands.

"Betty, I just worry about you. You're my baby." Alice spoke, eyes tearing up.

"Mom..." Betty sympathised.

"You'll understand one day. When your sister got pregnant at 16 it broke my heart. It hurt me to see that the future that was so bright for her had been interrupted by her pregnancy. I wished for this whole life for her and because of one silly mistake it was all taken away." Alice spoke, tears falling down her cheeks.

"Yes, but that was the future that you saw for her, Mom. You've seen what Polly is like with the babies. She loves them to death and she's an amazing mother. It might not have been the future that you imagined but the second that she found out that she was pregnant it was the future that she imagined." Betty tried to explain.

"I'm not saying that we're trying for a baby!" Betty yelled.

"Well..." Jughead drawled, sarcastically causing him to earn a whack on his arm from Betty and glares from the parents in front of him.

"We're being safe. More safe than we would be if we were using condoms. I know that you don't like the idea of know, doing it without that...separation, but we're being smart about it, Mom. I take my pill religiously!" Betty explained.

"Yeah, well I just..." Alice sighed.

"What's bringing this on, Mom?" Betty asked.

"It's just that after our conversation with Mrs Burble...what you said about the two of you sleeping in the same bed...well, I'd never really thought of it that way until you said it." Alice explained.

"So...what? You don't want us to share a bed anymore?" Jughead pitched in.

"It's just hard to explain. I'd never had that...domesticity until I was like 23 and living with your father, Betty. I kind of feel like a bad mother for exposing you to this so soon." Alice sighed.

"Mom, do you realise that all my friends are totally jealous of the fact that my mom lets me live with my boyfriend?" Betty chuckled.

"You're not a bad mom. A bad mom wouldn't be having this conversation right now because they wouldn't care, but I know that you do." Betty smiled.

Alice let out a laugh that sounded like a sob.

"You're a beautiful woman, Betty. Inside and out. I just want you to live the best life possible." Alice smiled.

"I know, Mom. I know this comes from a place of love but it's a really private matter. If you have some sort of issue or question that you want to talk to me about then do it privately. Save everyone from embarrassment." Betty chuckled.

Alice smiled.

"I promise that I can do that." She replied.

"Thank God." FP sighed.

Betty turned and smiled at Jughead.

They all chuckled at FPs response.

Betty suddenly buried her head in her hands.

"Oh God, I probably just scarred JB for life." Betty sighed.

Jughead just chuckled, rubbing her back.

"I sleep in the room next to yours. If anything's going to scar me it's going to be that!" JB yells from the top of the stairs.

Betty and Jughead turned to face each other, eyes wide with embarrassment.

"Shit." Jug sighed.

{A/N} ~ 1200 words, not including this. I really hope you guys enjoy this. I feel like this was very brushed over in canon so I wanted to write it a bit more in detail. Hope you enjoy!
Lots of love 🥰 - C x

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