Chapter 3

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Sidree awoke in a field in field of glowing moon-lights. The flower had been named after the fact that they bloomed only under the moon, and glowed on full moons. As Sidree looked around he saw that the moon-lights were glowing, and the moon was full. It was truly a beautiful sight.

Moon-lights were incredibly rare. They were thought to enhance magic abilities, and even give magic to humans.

Sidree stood up. As he took a deep breath Sidree realized he felt no different. Despite being in the center of a field of flowers that were supposed to give magic to even a human. Sidree never really cared about magic, but he was slightly disappointed.

Sidree looked up and gazed at the star filled sky. He tried looking for some constellations. But was surprised when he found none. The layout of the stars were completely different to the sky Sidree had memorized when he was younger.

Even if there hadn't been glowing flowers, the field would still have been gorgeous. On one side was a huge forested evergreen trees. On the other was a sparkling beach.

Sidree didn't know why, but he felt safe in the field. It felt as if he had been there many times before. Sidree closed his eyes as he breathed in the fresh air. When he opened his eyes there was a kitten sitting in front of him, it was all white with a black paw. It was cake.

Once cake realized Sidree saw her, she let out purr and stood up. She started walking. Sidree followed the kitten. She lead him to the start of the forest.

At first Sidree was confused as to why she brought him there. Then he saw something in the forest, a mirror. There was a large mirror with a detailed silver frame that had moons and stars carved into it.

Sidree looked into his reflection. Mirrors where expensive so Sidree hadn't seen himself in years. Sidree took a long look at himself.

Sidree had forgotten what he looked like. His skin was pale due to being stuck in the mines every day. He had almost forgotten about his pure white hair that made him stand out among the other peasants. It was like looking at a stranger.

White hair was pretty much unheard of these days. Hundreds of years ago fae used to have white hair, but now it just made Sidree seem like a freak. Children often saw Sidree and asked him to do magic for them, thinking that Sidree was an immortal fae that managed to survive.

Sidree didn't realize that he had zoned out until a meow from Cake made him flinch. As he turned around the kitten was already walking away. Sidree followed her. She took him back to where he woke up.

Sidree didn't realize that the spot he woke up was a small patch of damaged dirt. There were no Moon-lights in the small patch. As if the dirt had been dug up and put back.

Sidree could hear a faint hum. It made him feel oddly safe. The hum slowly turned into a song in a language Sidree didn't understand. The voice singing was sweet and angelic.

Sidree started looking for where the singing was coming from. As Sidree
Turned around he saw her. Behind Sidree was a white mare. Grooming the mare's mane was a truly beautiful woman.

Her skin was a rich brown with white freckles all over that looked like little stars. Her eyes were like two full moons due to the blue-gray color. Her hair was silver and barely touched the flowers. She wore an elegant dress that looked like the night sky. On her head rested a silver crown with a crescent moon on it. Then Sidree realized it, she was Lunia the Moon Goddess.

Lunia the Moon Goddess was a myth. No more than a bed time story for children. At least, that's what Sidree thought...

Lunia turned to Sidree. Her lips formed a soft smile and a caring look in her eyes.

She whispered softly, "Hello little warrior."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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