Part 8

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You were shocked to see Shoku. He held a teal umbrella over the both of you. "Hiya! Whatcha doing, Y/n?" Shoku asked, smiling gently.
"Just heading home" You responded, feeling a bit shy. Shoku looked at you for a moment. You noticed his eyes's go wide and his cheeks turn red. "I didn't know that you were into those kind of things, Y/n" Shoku looked away shyly. "Huh?". You were confused. You looked at your manga, the plastic bag had slipped down a bit, revealing the book title. "I-I'm not! I was just.. Told it was a good manga" you blushed. Embarrassed by the situation. "Look. I'm not judging-" You cut Shoku off.
"Geez okay okay, you're not a pervert" Shoku held up his free hand in defense. "The weather is pretty bad, want me to walk you home?" Shoku asked.
"You really don't have to" you replied nervously, you couldn't help but smile at the idea though. "It's no problem, I don't mind" Shoku smiled at you. You sighed in defeat. "F-Fine..".

You made it to your house and said your goodbyes to Shoku. As you were about to walk away, you were stopped by Shoku who gently grabbed your hand. You turned around to see him, he looked nervous and his cheeks were tinted pink. "I was wondering if.. We-Well! Remember when I asked if you could come to my house and we could cook together?" Shoku asked. You nodded and Shoku continued. "Well.. Maybe you could come over Wensday.." Shoku suggested. You happily smiled and nodded. "Sure! Sounds great!" You said.
The both of you said your goodbyes and Shoku left.

"Hmm.. Weird thought but Shoku would make a perfect yandere" you said to yourself, causing you to giggle. You walked over to the counter and put up the cereal. After that you grabbed some scissors and opened the back of catfood and poured the food into Night's bowl, causing him to run over from the other room. You put up the food and took the manga with you to your room to read.

You had just finished reading all the books. You stretched and looked up to your window to see that it was... DARK?! IT'S NIGHT ALREADY?! WHAT THE HELL!?
You quickly grabbed your phone to check the time. 11:PM.
"Oh crap I need to get ready for bed!" You yelled to yourself before rushing out if bed down stairs. You checked Night's food bowl to see if you should refill it. There was still about half left so you walked away and rushed to the bathroom where you planned to shower. You went to remove your pants but noticed something hanging out your back pocket. "Eh? What the-" you pulled it out to see a piece of paper with a phone number. "How- when- WHY".

You shook the questions out of your mind and placed the paper onto the counter. You removed your clothing and started the shower.

You woke up the next morning. "Oh my fucking god it's Monday" you yelled into your pillow. You got up and did your morning routine. Bathe, clothing, makeup (optional), feeding the cat, eating. You saw the paper and decided to type the number into your phone.

Me: Who is this?

Unknown: Hiya! It's Shoku

Unknown: Sorry it's probably weird that I gave you my number the way I did😅

Me: Nah I get it. The best way to tempt the girl to slide into your dms. Genius

Unknown: I honestly thought it was the best way to go about it. I feel like if I told you my number you'd forget and you seemed to be in quite a hurry.

Me: True

Unknown: Welp I should be heading out now

Unknown: See you at school!

Your face went as red as a tomato. Normally you'd feel creeped out if a guy did this but because it was Shoku, you couldn't help but fangirl inside. You changed his name to 'Shoku'. You didn't have time to think of a funny or clever name. You headed to the kitchen where you noticed the unopened package. "Ehhhhh. I'll get it after school". You headed out the door and said goodbye to Night who sat on the fence.

♥︎𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰♥︎ - {Umeji × Reader}Where stories live. Discover now