Part 19

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"Sh-Shin?? Mom??" You were surprised to see them talking. You were also very confused.
Your mother turned her head to look at you. Her long, curly brown hair bouncing as her Royal purple eyes narrowing with her mischievous grin.
"Y/n darling! You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend. He's so adorable." She clasped her hands together and rested her cheek on her clasped hands.
"MOM!" You ran into the room and stood in front of Shin and facing your mom. Your face was tomato red from the embarrassment.

You turned your head to look at Shin. "What are you doing here?" You asked. Shin started to look nervous and fumble with his fingers. "I-I uhmm." A blush started to spread across the teens face and he glanced to your mother.
"Mom. Can you give us a moment?" You asked. She groaned but did as asked and left the room. Shin got up from the couch and looked down. "I-I was uhm.. I was wondering if you-you'd like to.. Go-Go on a date..?" Shin struggled to ask.
Your face went red but you smiled.

Time Skip

You were in Class on Thursday when the bell rang. As always, you packed up your belongings and got ready to meet up with your friends during cleaning time.

You met up with Mai and Midori at the fountain.
"Y/n-Chan! Are you going to the Drama Club's play tomorrow?" Midori started as she ran over to you. You casually shrug.
You hated Kizana and the fact she was around Taro. Osana's childhood best friend and crush. "Pleaaaasse!" Midori grabbed your arm and begged causing you to groan.
"Fine." You look up to see Kizana bragging about herself as Taro listed and cleaned the fountain.

You weren't an overprotective friend but you couldn't bare to see someone like Taro with.. A brat like Kizana. What would Osana think? If it was almost anyone else then maybe but Kizana?
"Y/n, have you spoken to Shin at all?" Mai asked. To be honest.. Not really.
You were both still in that awkward stage of dating so you two haven't really spoken except for the time you found him at your house... Talking to your mom. "Uhm not really, I haven't actually-." Mai cut you off.

"You should ask him to be your date to the play!"

"It's not some sort of Prom, Mai. Dates aren't needed." You crossed your arms, cringing at her idea. "Well still. Ask him to sit with you. You guys can try to get more comfortable with each other." Mai suggested. You thought about it for a moment but didn't see the harm in asking. "Fine. Whatever. Let's just clean something."

You were walking off school grounds and noticed the delinquents. You avoided eye contact to not interact with them but you were stopped when you saw Gaku waving at you from the corner of your eye. You looked at him and gave him a gentle smile before waving back and continuing your walk home.

Gaku's POV

Gaku waved to Y/n. He wanted her to feel more comfortable with him after what happened with her and Umeji. He was worried Umeji would find out about her and Shin. It was obvious Umeji liked her and Gaku didn't know how he'd react.

Umeji as well as the other's gave Gaku weird looks. "What?" Gaku asked. "Are you and her like..-" Hokuto started causing Gaku's face to immediately get red and throw up his hands in defense. "Definitely not! I'm just friends with her." He explained to everyone but Umeji just rolled his eyes.

"Come on. Let's go." Umeji began walking away, quickly followed by the rest of them. Gaku let out an exhale before following along.

Umeji's POV

He tried to ignore it. He always ignored it. It eats him away inside.
Umeji thought it would've been easy to cut ties with Y/n but everytime he sees her, he just wants to grab her and... No! He needs to keep those thoughts out his head.
She's just some faceless girl he'll forget about in a year.

♥︎𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰♥︎ - {Umeji × Reader}Where stories live. Discover now