Part 16

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You laid in your bed. The lights off and it was completely silent. Night was sleeping on your stomach. Your gaze had remained on the ceiling for awhile. But you didn't know how long. A few minutes. An hour. A few hours. Who knows? It doesn't matter.

You got up and got dressed. You headed downstairs and grabbed the catfood. You filled Night's bowl and the cute little kitty bolted to his bowl to eat. You put the food away and headed out without eating breakfast. You walked to the hospital. It was an extremely long walk but who cares. Isn't like anyone is waiting for you.

You arrive to the hospital. You head to the receptionist and ask to see Midori. You're made to sign your name on a paper before the woman takes you up to her room. You walk in but immediately stop in your tracks to see the shocking sight.

Midori was awake. She was sitting up in her bed flipping through the channels on the TV. She turns and notices you.
"Midori.." You run over to her and hug her as tightly as you possibly can. "O-Ow! I can't breath Y/n-chan!!" She yells but you ignore her. "I'm so glad you're awake!" You let go of her. "Ye-Yeah I unfortunately woke up at like 2 AM so let's just say I was startled." Midori laughed nervous as she rubbed the back of her head. "Do you know when you'll be released?" You ask the green haired girl. She shakes her head. "No they haven't told me yet. But a nurse said it'll probably be soon. They still need to do some tests or whatever." Midori groans.

You spent all day with Midori. Talking. Laughing. Joking. But when it got dark, the Nurse came in and told you that visiting hours had ended. You nodded and the two of you said your goodbyes. You left the hospital and headed home.

On your way home you felt uneasy. You hated being in the dark. You couldn't see that well and danger could be lurking anywhere. As you were walking past an Alley, you heard a bit of yelling. You peaked around the corner to see a group of men. They were shouting and lauging. They seemed to be beating someone up. But you couldn't quite see them in the dark. The person getting beat up was on the ground as the group of 4 just kicked and stomped on him. You squinted your eyes. You then saw who it was.

Shin Higaku. That poor boy. You didn't know him that well but from what you did know, he's a shy and kind boy. You felt your blood boil. You balled your hands into a fist and ran at the group of males. You punched the closest one in the back of the head before kicking him away. You then punched the man next to him. The third one attempted to throw a punch but you dodged and threw the second man into him. You grabbed Shin by his upper arm and pulled him up. He seemed to be a bit disoriented. He was bruised and dirty. He seemed scared and his body was shaking. "Y/n?" Shin realized who you were. "Don't worry homie, I got you." You said as you stood in front of him. First man recovered and ran at you. He went to throw a punch but you dodged and grab his arm. You grab his hair and slam his face into a nearby wall. The other two men run at you and you throw the first man at them before grabbing Shin's hand and running away. The two remaining men chase you. You and Shin run down the street but Shin is unable to run fast. You try to run faster, pulling him as much as you can. You close your eyes and just focus on running.

That is until you hit something and almost fall back but you land on Shin who prevents you from falling. The two of you look up to see the delinquents. All of them. You both turn to see the two men running at you and Shin. You grab Shin's hand again and run behind the group of delinquents. "What trouble did you get into now?" Umeji groaned. He pulled out his bat. Signaling the other boys to pull out their weapons. The two men see this and get scared, realizing they are out numbered. They turn around and run away. Umeji turns to you.
"Again? How many times and I gonna find you at night running down the street from some creeps?" Umeji asks. "I-It wasn't her fault! Sh-She was just defending me.." Shin stands in front of you. Umeji rolls his eyes. "Come on Shin.. They don't want us here. I'll walk you home." You grab Shin's hand and walk away. "Wait up!" Gaku calls out. "I'll go with you two." Gaku caught up with you two. He waved to his friends and the three of you left.

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