Part 18

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It was Tuesday and you were sitting in class. Your mind was occupied with the thought of an anime you've watched recently.
Class hadn't started yet but you were just finishing up some homework you didn't do the previous night.
You attention was stripped away from your work when you heard someone walk in.


You smiled when you saw the boy. He nervously smiled and sat down at the desk next to you. "H-Hi.. I was looking for you.. But I couldn't find you.." He rubbed his arm nervously. "Oh I'm sorry. I was just catching up on some work. What's up?" You shifted your position to face him.
"Well I.. Wanted to talk about what happened between us.." Shin nervously fumbled with his fingers. You felt a blush creep up on your face and you looked away shyly.
"It-It's okay if you say no bu-but uhmm. Can-Can we.. Uhm.. Date?" Shin struggled to ask, his face was as red as could be.
You went silent for a moment. You two didn't know each other personally for that long.. But he does know about... The old you and he doesn't seem to care.

That thought made you happy. He never even mentioned it, as if he didn't care. You liked that about him. "O-Okay." You smiled.
Shin seemed shocked, not expecting you to actually agree.
You got up and hugged the boy before planting a kiss on his cheek. The bell rang and it was time for Shin to go to class.

He got up and bid you farewell before walking away. You let out a giggle and sat down. Your heart was pounding and felt almost painful.

Everyone entered the classroom and waited for the teacher to begin her lessons.
As you were in class, you couldn't help but zone out.
Your mind was stuck on Shin.
Why would he like you? Why would he want to date you? What's so interesting about you? You didn't grow up receiving love from your birth parents so how would you know how to receive it.

Before you knew it, class was over and it was time for lunch. As normal, you grabbed your be to and headed to the roof.
You noticed Taro and... Kizana..
She was clearly flirting with him and he seemed oblivious to it, just laughing at her remarks.
You decided to approach Taro and say hello and figure out maybe why Kizana is hanging around him. It's only been a week since Osana's death and you knew she loved him so you weren't a fan of seeing someone like Kizana trying to get with him.
You walked over and waved as you greeted your friend.
"Hey, Taro! What's up?"

"Hey, Y/n." Taro greeted you back. Kizana had an annoyed expression on her face and rolled her eyes. "Excuse me, darling, but we were talking." She faked a smile but her tone was very passive aggressive.
"Oh look, seems like something irrelevant though their opinion mattered." You smiled back, not hiding the the aggression in your voice.
Taro's expression turned nervous and he let out a nervous laugh. "W-Well I need to uhmm.. Use the bathroom. See you guys later." He got up and walked away while waving. You waited until you knew he'd be unable to hear you and Kizana.

You didn't like Kizana, you remembered in elementary, she'd bully you and humiliate you. You can't let the man Osana's loved end up with a makeup covered rat such as herself.
"Ugh. Haven't you ever been told not to disturb people." Kizana stood up and out her hands on her hips.
"Didn't anyone ever tell you to stay away from things that aren't your's?" You growled, crossing your arms.

"Didn't anyone ever tell YOU to mind your own business." She gave you a mischievous smirk as she poked you on the chest. You knew you had to hold in the urge to sock her right in the mouth.
She let out a proud 'hmph' before walking away, swinging her hips.

You shook your head and let out a grin, taking pride that you just ruined their moment. Unbeknownst to you, someone was watching happily.

You sat with Mai and Kuu as you did everyday.
You and Mai were having a conversation about a popular game when you heard a familiar voice.


"Midori?!" You whipped your head around to see the green haired girl running over. You stood up, ready to greet her but she jumped and landed onto you, causing you to fall on your back.

"Ow.." You mumbled.
"S-Sorry, Y/n-Chan." Midori mumbled as she got up. She grabbed your hand and pulled you up.
"I'm so glad you're back, Midori. We all missed you." Mai got up and gave Midori a warm hug. "Oh my god staying in the hospital was the WORST!" Midori groaned. You and Mai let out a laugh.
"Oh wait! I have uhm.. News.." You nervously started. They all looked at you with curiosity, even Kuu seemed interested.
"Uhm.. Me-Me and Shin are uhm.. Da-Dati-" Midori and Mai cut you off by swarming and hugging you tightly.

"CONGRATULATIONS!! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!" Mai squealed. "I never thought you'd do it, Y/n-chan!" Midori squealed with her. "This is cause for celebration! Our previous little Y/n finally has a boyfriend! After school let's all have a small party at Y/n's it!" Mai suggested.
"Wha-." You were cut off by Midori squealing, "YESSSS!"

You pushed them off you and gave them an unimpressed look. "Uhh I'd rather not.." You crossed your arms. Midori rolled her eyes. "Fine then let's at least hangout at a cafe." Midori tried to negotiate. You let out a sigh and compromised.


Class ended and it was cleaning time. You packed up your things and got up. You turned around and headed out the room, passing Umeji who you didn't notice staring at you.
You left the classroom and met you with your three best friends in the front of the school.

"Shouldn't we.. Help clean the school?" Mai asked. You shook your head. "Nahh. Everyone else is doing it." You assured Mai before walking off the school campus, the three girls following close behind you.


"So, tell us how it happened!" Mai smirked. You and Midori sat in front of Mai and Kuu at the cafe. "Well, I was in class just catching up on some missing assignments and he came in, Shin asked me to date him and I agreed." You shrugged casually. Mai let out a groan.
"Wow. So romantic." She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Says the girl with an online boyfriend." You retorted.

"At least she finally got a boyfriend. She had been crushing on Shoku ever since middle school. It was about time she moved on." Midori stated without moving her eyes away from her phone. "I'm suprised anyone even wanted to date her." Kuu calmly stated as she ate her food. "Tch. Man, y'all ain't shit. Anyways. I need to get home, I'll see y'all tomorrow." You stood up and walked away from them.
You left the cafe and headed home.

When you got to your house, you opened the door and went inside. You heard the voice of your mom talking to someone.

When you walked in, you were shocked to see your mom speaking to Shin.

This can't go well.

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