"The Dark King"

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Laughter surrounded me. The shutters flew open and crashed with a deafening coalition against the wall. One by one they sang there screeching plea outward. A rumbling from below shook the paintings off the wall. They fell down in a splitting hollowness as shards of glass spewed outward all over the floor. Suddenly the darkness over came me. Shadows caressed my blood with fangs drawn with unseen poison. A transformation opting to consume my will in a spiraling paralysis. I beheld that bright intensity once again. Scraping my flesh with chiseled razor like proficiency. Claiming again the sovereign power of its jeweled majesty. The necklace had returned. It pierced me over and over as it hung from my neck with a galiant sheen. Its forcefull stature invading my blood stream. Recoiling back the human attributes with a striking precision. Colors shifted and tuned to the brilliance of the sun. My ears invading the conversations of rats beneath the floorboards. For I was once again there master. Darkness veiled me with a cape of translucent ebony. My stance quickening to recieve the full power of the necklace in its gleam. Sound became visual as the clicking of the clock became a man walking in chains. A despondent expression coursing his face of tiredness. He walked steadily and then glanced at me. Brutality and ruin was in his eyes but onward he trudged wearily. Rain pounded against dirt encrusted windows. There message of turbulence sending unseen shadows to walk the hallway beside me. The sound of humans outside below by the lamp post echoed like a raging ocean. There heartbeats like thunder in my ears. There blood a bathed Crimson as a waterfall coasts downward to her place of settling. I moved forward faster then the human eye could see. Razor sharp proficiency guided me through the columns and rooms that etched together in the old dusty manor. Children slept breathing like rhinos charging for there next unseen dinner. It amplified in the darkness around me. I was super charged. A perfect darkness I commanded as it became all of me but within seconds. I was eternal. Deadly and invisible. Like a trained assassin grueling through the task of causing anothers final despair. What I was before I had now become again. I had no need for sleep. No need for food or hunger. I was powered by blackness. I moved slowly to the top of the stairway clutching the top railing of wood chiseled to a mere perfection. Ravens heads carved in there tapestry turned to glance at me. There stance frozen in time by a wooden prison stained of a dark birch. I glanced downward to behold the silent spectators in the living room. Staring with an abrupt hunger that coursed through redish eyes in the shadows. There plain expressions revealing no hesitation. No words to beckon forth through silence that chilled the air around us. In the corner stood the apparition that appeared to me. The disturbing elegance of dirt infecting a fake mastery of the form of a woman. Her hair long and flowing. Eyes trained on mine given sight to one as if blind. She looked at me with a festering intrusive smiling. "Come with me my king". Her voice mixed with gravel and soot that produced a cloudy film of smoke around her. And then silence as if slamming a door that echoed but firmly disabling its deafening roar.

Slowly i awakened.

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