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"What a hell of a morning!". I grabbed a coke from the vending machine down the hall from my office. Its chilled texture accepting my large hand around its base. The gleam of its lettering shining subtly by the lighting of the cigarette machine to the left of me. "My God i need a smoke!". I said beneathe my breath as I peered at the clock motioning for my daily activities to begin. It seemed to mock me. To exclude me personally as I stood there in the rustling of the hallway. The cigarette machine beside me seemed to smile eerily by the closed blind before it. The various pull nobs like flattened teeth that shined in its own unseen world. I imagined those teeth devouring the punk i had just encountered outside the office. In the shuffle to work I dodged him riding a bike and dropped my precious cargo of chemicals into a water puddle. Its soaked presentation looming below me filled me with an extreme disgust. For a moment i imagined beating the kid and lunging him in the puddle that seamed to laugh at my dishonour. making him greet his drenched friend that would now be suffocated into his reality. I inserted the money for my new smokes and they cascaded downward with a thud onto the tray at its bottom. Standing in the hallway My attention drew to my prize of liquid euphoria. I was powered by caffeine and Doritos. Firmly accepting my stomachs plea for the bag that sat in my office on my desk. It called to me as the grumbling cried out silently from my belly. Hesitating for but seconds I drew my soda can upwards to my lips.
Handling it gently. Presuming the pleasure of its attraction to my tired beckoning thirst. i embraced it and took a much needed slurp from the chilled can. The thirst jostled around within me but then suddenly procured a transition into satisfaction. My appearance in the reflection of the machine was less then admirable. My hair disheveled and neatly ironed clothes in shambles from my morning journey. My expensive Italian leather shoes scuffed up and lacking there insistent shine. I spent a long time in the duration of care and pride that toiled within the dawning of its gleam. Slowly wincing in deep concentration while the shine over took the dull appearamce of the shoes former self. Only to emerge insatiably stunning in its new transformation. My office was as i had left it Friday. Various awards hung smugly on each wall. Countering the dismal hue of a faded blue in back of them. "Its good to be king" I whispered proudly as I sat in my leather chair and propped my feet on my desk. Reclining back i staired upwards at the ceiling. The specks of grey paint mingling together yearning to become a single shade of color by the sun lit room. I was indeed a king. My dorritos and Coke testified to that inclination as I enjoyed the silence in the room. Slowly for but a moment I closed my eyes resting them. Teetering on the brink of exhaustion comfortably I stretched and fell back deeper in my chair. A quietness increased its presence around me as I sank deeper into a restful state. Treating tired bones with the sweet sugary distance between sleep and reality. The ticking of the clock was a marching band performing a lullaby in the sweetest of etudes. Its melody slowly over taking my recollection of time spinning around in a quiet unseen constant. I was down for the count. In a suspended rhythm of shadows and silence a dreary grey mist accentuated the room. Blackness draped the walls and snuffed out the light of mortal existence. Blazing in a greenish flame The dark queen stood before me. Restlessness over turned my stature and my nervous system jumped as if shocked by lightning dowsed by a drenching stream. A thousand shades of black mimicked the sensation of darkness spun like webbing around me. I was encapsulated by a fiery vehicle of expectancy. A probing skeletal finger oozed with blood and spiders venom. Her eyes traced of a dark beauty but tinged with a fake mimicery of female flesh. Like a coat she wore her appearance hung in obedience upon her writhing body. Slowly she placed her finger tip against my forehead. The howling of devils filled the spectacle of blinding authority. The necklace danced to life from its invisble slumber. Encasing my flesh upon its razor talons. Sealing its mystique of earth and metallic symphony. chiming to the swaying heartbeat of my now exaggerated breath. Hanging from my neck it assumed its masterful position. Midnight transposed into a cape that embraced me. The powers of death and abandon dualed in the rich fibers that drew themselves like wings that encompassed me. I stood there transfixed on the dark queens disturbed smiling. It pulsed as if granted life by something behind it. Something unseen and uncharted. A secretive exposure from a place unknown. All the powers of hell and damnation i commanded within my finger tips. The rats welcomed me below the floorboards and spiders knew my name. I was there king. The king of dark things. The king of dreams unspoken. I ventured out of the room through the doorway of my prison. Its gothic carvings of Ravens heads and talons that became the hinges now stretched wide open. I was unleashed from the bonds of human binding. Free to roam the shadows with an unending desire. Into another world. Another time stood before me perplexing my inner most thoughts. I shifted dimensions with the wave of a hand. Closeing the doorway shuffling amidst a cracked wooden exterior. Like before I was invisible. I moved faster then human eyes could perceive. I was infinite in stealth. Infinite in power relinquishing the necklace of its dark gift bestowed upon me. The jewel shined abruptly in a freshened state of unending brilliance. Its light guiding me downward as I observed the humans tending there daily activities. Through the shadows i flew with raven like cunning. Faster and faster I streamed the midnight air. The trees swayed to me in a defining rhythmic obedience. The bats that accompanied me bowed there soul before me upon one knee. Pledging there eternal servitude in suffering. From a distance of what seemed thousands of miles I commanded the wind. Slowly arching backwards and decending like lightning to the pale flesh of the earth. I braced myself as my wings stretched upwards. Crashing to the ground I stood upright. Erected with a sinister gaze. I was taunting the necklace. Testing its obedience to my calling. Dark tattered wings once again became a cloak around me. Swaying in the gentleness of an autumn breeze. I was infinite. Abounding in limitless power. The necklace shined frantically in the darkness. Lighting my path as I walked past children playing. The air was crisp with an alluring aroma. Burning embers lit profusely the large kettle that was spooned to mix the tasteful delight of its making. The children whistled familiar songs and danced about in streams of young happiness. There spectacle of rebirth haunting me within.. driving nails into that place where i was fatherless. A bastard rendition of a child that was not whole. infinitely empty.There mother prepared a stew of deer, potatoes, and carrots. Seasoning it lightly while using her sleeve to wipe her tired eyes. There aroma filling the air amidst us. I savored for but seconds but was lunged into my state of perpetual comfort. I had no need for food. No need for sleep but I still basked in the moment of the fine stew cooking within the kettle.
I watched her toiling of a relentless escape. A dedication to her craft in preparing for her family's needs. I stood invisible before her. A dark spectator admiring her unfathomable beauty. Unspeakable and unbroken her skin shined of an exuberant youth. She was starlight and rebirth. The beginning and the end of me. Her hair streamed downwards to her back. The rusted fibers of a brownish seclusion masking her face as it fell before her. Sky blue eyes dispersed a euphoric gaze. She was captivating. An extreme artistry of the finest of human beauty. Her doubt within I sensed like candy that sweetened the more I embraced it. I could become one with her heartbeat. A quickening sucession of empty wishes and hopes left unturned. She cradled her self worth as if pursed to her side in fabric binding. Only so often ignoring the reality of her existence to behold her preciousness unknown even to herself. A glimpse of its hope was all she needed. Just a glimpse. I explored with a silent gentleness her memories etched in twilight and dreams imagined. I strolled with an unending ease through each doorway. Commanding there secrets to bestow there gift to my eyes of eternal passions. I became the shadow in the corner. The darkness by the window. As one by one I lived out her cruelty inflicted by the one she once loved. Her longing ached in its hardened capacity to implore. To snatch up her frayed remnants and piece them together. To bridge the emptiness and journey to a new belonging. I sat with the spiders in the corner. Listening to her tears dull the floor boards with there razor tinged pain. There shades beautiful in the crisp dawn of a moonlit room. I was entranced. Forsaking myself in the wake of her eternal beauty. The slender tones of skin that held together the perfection of her being. Blinding me with absolution. With suffering in the dreaded reigns of longing. It was another time. Another place. The necklace had brought me to this bestowed virtue. To express the sadness of my soul to unite with her. To savor those tears dreary stained of blackness. To propose my desire unending. I sat in kingship ever lasting. A mystery becoming the fierce counterpart of night in all its glory. I had unwavering power of the dark. The storm. The creatures that dance there singing seduction within a poisoned solitude. I was eternal. Unwavoring in abundance to the dark and night that I held within the palm of my hand.

But now what I wanted..

The only thing I desired...

Was her...

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