"The Journey"

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My meal that evening sat cold an uninviting before me. The magnificence of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and carrots that filled my mind was pale compared to the TV dinner that procured a spot upon my table. Its salty exterior begging to escape from the sentence of its making. A small billowing of smoke rising upward in a displaying constant laughed at me. As if smiting me on the face its steam tracing my bearded stubble. The half eaten chicken sat cozily in a pool of grease and various juices. Producing the fine flavoring of a lower quality to my nostrils in the air. My glass of wine shuffled lively in a silent dance as I toyed with it while holding it closely. Pretending its finite waves were a small ocean I sat silent in its wake. Influencing its movement before me as I tilted the glass from left to right. Its composition of dark crimson shining by the light of a cold empty room. I sat backwards stretching in relief of tired muscles and spinning profit margin numbers still in my head. The clock hung upon the wall to my left. Catapulting its ridiculing tone of eternal ticking now the only sound in the room. It was 615pm. I pushed my cardboard flavored meal to the right before me. Standing in a lingered tiring I stretched again while letting out a resounding yawn. I closed my eyes for but a moment while holding myself as I took a moment to reflect. An indentation of my nails displaying a mark upon my wrinkled expensive shirt embraced me. Brushing off my one sleeve i returned my hand to my side. My coat laid upon the chair beside me and shoes joined it below in its shadow. They silently encompassed the curtain like aura that the coat professed downwards towards the floor. Neatly they sat there where in a tired gaze I had placed them. I slowly walked over to the clock in its lonliness upon the wall. The spiders nestled quietly unseen by human eyes beside it. There inquiring passion repelling them in safety as I stood there near them. i reached upwards and lifted it slowly from its origin of ticking purpose. Negating the need for it to hang its fleeting death of time upon its silent prison. I listened in a withdrawn appalling. Its ticking vengeance grappling my ears of a screeching intensity. Louder and louder it bellowed out as if piercing my confined insides. Suddenly the clock leaped in a surprising stupor out of my hands. Unconsciously groaning upon the floor its cracked ambiance sutured before me. Suddenly it awakened within a mirrored spectacle. Shining as the sun its pulsing delivering a variety of shifting colors before my eyes. A transformation of springs and bolts danced outwards in the air in front of me. Marking there trampled authority they changed into the form of a man dressed in quaint splendor. The man smiled at me. Adorning my presence with a bowed knee he professed his allegiance. "Hello my king! As you wished so it shall be!". A wave of his hand secured a bright beam of greenish rays piercing outwards towards me. Encircling my body it cradled me in the wake of its dazzling birth. The walls tilted back and forth slowly with a gentle ease. While increasing in speed they buckled and spinned in a now coherent performance untouched and independent. There shifting realigning together in a frenzy of dust and organic molecules that reformed into another existence. Lightning shined upon me while striking my body with an apparent contrition. It settled backwards staring at me as if to apologize to its king for intruding. Its eyes blazing as fire for me to behold. When all was stilled I found myself standing in a wooded area. The trees galloped there swaying stride back and forth in a cool wintry breeze. Like hands inviting me forward they continued there dance as I gazed upon them. "1 hour my king. You have 1 hour." The silent voice rang in my head like a bell struck gently with a wooden mallet. Slowly. Blandly. It echoed for but a moment and then dissipated in the back of my mind. I witnessed the benign waters of a small stream beside me. They flowed in silence in the cool breeze. There dark hue rushing in an esteemed constant. Downwards till joining the lake that sat in its near vicinity.
Up ahead in the distance a fire burned. Its smoke like ghosts that heralded upwards until fading into the cauldron of a black sky. The aroma was familiar. Almost tasting it in its entranced delicious seduction. An unseen persuasion to ignite the senses. I journeyed upwards towards its origin. Pulling my collar up I huddled within myself conjuring the bit of warmth I could obtain from the heat of my body. The snow crushed mingling with the soles of my shoes. Its pathway of coldness burying me in the thoughts of what awaited me ahead. Closer I approached the flames to behold a familiar sight. My beauty stood there in the distance. Like an apparition to my heartbeat my reflexes tensed. The rhythm of my breathing stifled but for a moment in the shrill nervousness that now captivated me. She was radiant. Exuding the angelic likeness of the heavens captured upon human flesh. I stood in wonder. In astounding bewilderment. Her beauty seeped into my veins. Drawing life from my heartbeat. My soul ached and I watched in silence. The night stood still in her presence. A dark suitor to escort her to wherever her heart desired.

I was now in the shadows in oneness with her. Longing for that which the heart yearns to adore.

Longing to be hers in the frost born air of a gazing midnight.

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