Dumb Love-Kalin

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Your P.OV
You woke up to your annoying big brother Myles banging on the door for you to wake up.
*Bangs on the door*

You rolled over to look at your phone and the time read 12:36.

Your groaned and yelled back "OKAY MYLES IM UP!" Then you dragged yourself off your bed and did your morning routine. You got dressed in a black crop top with light blue shorts with black and blue vans. You walked into the kitchen and saw something that you'd never see... Myles cooking breakfast. ()

"OMFB!!!" you yelled
Myles jumped "WHAT HAPPENED!?!?" He said looking worriedly at you
"Your cooking breakfast " you said in a surprised voice with a smile
Myles laughs a little and rolled his eyes "Whatever Y/N"
You sat at the counter as he served you, your favorite breakfast. Mmm it smells sooo good you thought. "This smells so goof Myles"

"Thanks, I'm not a bad cook now am I?" He said with a smirk

"I thought that you would burn the house down" you said with a returning smirk

"Whatever" he said with a slight smile

You started to dig in, it was silent for a few minutes before Myles broke the silence "So tonight I'm gonna throw a party, you in?"

"Yeah sure sounds fun"


~Skipping to party~
It was so turnt at the parky Jakeeyp was the DJ and he was awesome! You danced a bit awhile you sat down for a bit, then when you looked at the door to see who came in it was this really cute, tall guy, his eyes were just a beautiful shade if green, and he had nice toned muscles. We made eye contact and he flashed a million dollar smile, that made you just melt. You gave him a little smile, then all these girls started to surround him. I doubt a hot guy like that would go for a girl like me you thought. So you got up and went to the dance floor to dance some more.

Kalins P.O.V
So my friend brought me to this house party and I said I was down because why not? It's not like I have anything else to do tonight. As we were walking up to the house I saw that it was really turnt as I entered the sick party I thought wow this might be a cool dude to throw this kind party as I was looking around I saw the most beautiful girl. She was just sitting alone on the couch. We made eye contact and I flashed a smile to her, then she flashed the most beautiful smile that I've ever seen and waved. When I was about to walk towards her, all these girls started to surround me, I have to meet that girl I though. So I tried to push through the girls and made my way towards her. When I finally got away from them I looked towards the couch and I noticed she wasn't there Damn I thought. Hopefully I get see that beautiful face again. I made my way towards the dance floor and started to dance with some honeys for a while. Then one of my favorite songs came on Sean Kingston Beautiful Girls. I told the DJ that I wanted to sing to it and as cool as he was he let me. When I got on the little stage thingy (Lol Idk ) I saw her. Man is she beautiful I thought. I started to sing and half way through the song I made my way off the stage twords her. When I got to her, she started to smile and blush like crazy. I just smiled cause she looked cute when she blushed.

Myles P.O.V
I was talking to some girls and then 1 girl came up and said "Omg there's this cute guy and his eyes are just OMG! COME ON!!!" She told her friend then they all went to go check out this dude This must be a good looking dude I thought since all these girls were surrounding him. Then I saw him looking at Y/N and then I saw her look back at him with a smile. I could tell that they liked each other. But I didn't think much of it. So I went to go dance with some bad ones. After a few songs Jake played Beautiful Girls by Sean Kingston. And then the dude from earlier was going to sing, I could tell he was looking a someone. As my curious self I want to see who. It was (Y/N) and she was just smiling and blushing like crazy. Like half way through the sing he got of the little stage thing while he was still singing he grabbed (Y/N)'s hand. I can already tell they gonna date. If he break her heart, I break his neck it thought.

Your P.O.V
As I was dancing I hear Jake play Beautiful Girls by Sean Kingston and then the hottie from earlier got on the stage, we made eye contact, I wanted to just look away but his eyes were just gorgeous. When he started to sing I felt like he started to sing to me, I started to smile and blush like crazy. Half way through the song he made his way off the little stage thingy and came to me and took my hand. O mi gosh, he is singing to me, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't stop smiling or blushing. I think... I'm in love

I tried to picture is when Kalin and Myles first met at the house party. Let me know how I did, and if you liked it don't be afraid hit that star, cause if shows me that you guys like my storied. Also if you guys have any ideas just leave them in the comments and I'll write it up and give you credit.

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