New kid Part2. Myles

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Myles P.O.V
What's up with Y/N? Why didn't she want to be friends? What did I say? Did I do something that was wrong?
Y/N was all that i'm thinking about, I was starting to fall for her. I know that I haven't known for more than a day, but it's like-

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Sarah said "Mylesssss?"


"I said you can sit with me and my friends at lunch after this class"

"Uh... Yeah sire sounds cool"

"Kk well right now you have Mr.Mendes the music teacher" she said and then handed me my schedule and lead me to my class. When I got there I was about to walk in the class but then Sarah kissed my cheek and winked at me then went to her class. Once she left I whipped my cheek, don't get me wrong Sarah seems nice and all, but I don't like her like that. The ONLY one I want it Y/N. I guess I got to class a little early cause Mr.Mendes was the still setting up his stuff. "Hey" I said as I came in the class.

"Why hello there" Mr
Mendes said as he turned around. "Your a new student?"

"Yes sir, I am"

"Okay well I'm Mr.Mendes and this semester I'm teaching students how to play the guitar" he said and held out his hand for me to shake

"I'm Myles and cool, I already know how to play the guitar" I said while shaking his hand.

"That's nice maybe you can play us a song with our other guitarist when she gets here" he said handing me a guitar and I gladly tool it tuning it in the corner of the class. I wonder who the other guitarist is?

Your P.O.V
Okay well after Sarah's bitchy self took Myles away I made my way to my favorite class. Music class. I love music, this semester he's teaching students guitar but I already know so it was easy. When I got there everyone was there already, I just went to get the guitar that the school had and starts to tune it.

"Okay class so before we start class there is a new student in our class, his name is Myles" Mr.Mendes said as he gestured towards Myles as he stood up with a guitar and waved with his perfect smile.

"And he said that he knew how to play guitar so I wanted him to play with our other guitarist y/n. Y/n do you mind playing with Myles?

YES! YES I DO MIND! I thought to myself. But that didn't come out of my mouth...

" No not at all" I said


I made my way to 2 seats that where set up in front of the class room.

"Sir, I was wondering if we could play something that I wrote." Myles said as he got the sheets of paper out of his backpack

"Sure, go for it"

"Thanks" Myles said and then set them up. "Can you sing?" He asked Mr.Mendes (N/A I mean, since Shawn is in this why not have him sing? ) Mr.Mendes nodded then Came over to Myles and I guess Myles showed him what to sing.

Myles P.O.V
When class started Mr.Mendes introduced me and then he told the class that he wanted me and the other guitarist to play. I was shocked it was Y/N. But cool, maybe I can play her a song I wrote. As we got on the 2 stools that where set up I ask Mr.Mendes if I could play the song I wrote, them I asked him if he could, he said "yes" perfect he came over and I showed him what to sing he pulled up a chair. Me and y/n started to play.
M- Myles

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