Winker pt.2 Myles Parrish

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Myles P.O.V

(Y/N) is hekka cute, I deffinitaly want a peice of her. When we turned our desks around to face each other, I wanted to introduce myself the proper way.
"Hey I'm Myles" then she got right to the point. Steight forward, I like that

"Look im not tryna be a bitch or anything but I really wanna get this done and over with and get an A in this class. I dont wanna fail cause i've never failed a class. So just tell me now if your gonna work or not, so I dont have to do everything at the last minute. Either we work together and you commit or I do all the work and put your name on it." She said

Hmm I could make a proposition.

"I'll work with you" I said

"Okay good cause I have an idea on what to do, so we are gonna do-" then I cut her off cause I wasn't finished "I wasn't finished" she raised an eyebrow at me . Damn she's  cute. I need her. I get what I want. "I'll work with you , IF you let me take you out on a date" then I winked at her.

She sat there thinking about it for a second and then she said "No thanks" then the bell rang.  "I guess illtwork in it alone and then put your name on it" she said and then packed her stuff and left.

I was star struck, No girl has turned me down, especially after the wink. I hurried up and grabbed my stuff to catch up with her. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and ran out the class room. I stopped in the middle of the hall to find her, I looked to my right didn't see her. Then I looked to my left bingo! I saw her with (Y/B/F/N). I know her because  I used to date her only for sex, she was pretty good, I satisfied her and she satisfied me but it didn't work out, she found out that I was only using her for sex. I started walking after them and saw them turn the corner and go upstairs. I was debating if I should follow or go home. Then I let my feet lead me. Before I knew it I was walking after her. I walked up stairs and saw them to into the library. 

Little ms.GoodyGoody, I smirked to myself and then entered the library. I've never been to after school, I guess I had to sign in and I did. I looked a little up the paper and saw (Y/N)'s signature, It was nice and neat. I signed my name and then looked around for a table to sit in. I found one behind (Y/N) and (Y/B/F/N), i quickly walked past hoping they didn't notice me and then sat down and pretended to do my homework. When I looked over at (Y/N)'s table I saw 2 guys approching their table, (Y/N) got up and ran in one of the guys arms.

"Evan!" She kinda yelled and then hugged him. I felt a little jealousy, Stop Myles. You don't know her. You can't be jealous.

Then (Y/B/F/N) got up and hugged the other dude

"Hey Charlie" she said and then kissed him. They sat down and then started to do work. Then I heard (Y/B/F/N) ask (Y/N) a question.

Your P.O.V

"How was your class?" (Y/B/F/N) asked me. I was debating if I should mention Myles or not.

"It's was okay" I said plainly

"Nothing interesting happend?" She asked like she knew something

"Well...." I said. I might as well tell her or she's gonna keep bothering me.

"(Y/N) What happend?" Evan asked me. Awe he is so cute when he's concerned.

"In history we have to do a partner project with the person sittting next to us and the person that's sitting next to me is some kid named Myles" when I said his name everyone was looking at each other like they knew something.  "And when we had to talk to our partner's, he made a proposition that if I go on a date with him he'll work on it with me if I don't then he won't help me and I'll do all the work." I finally said playing with my pencil

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