Myles Parrish- After school

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"Dude come on" my friend says dragging me to the Library where after school is over. I didn't want to come because I already have to be here for like 7 hours why will I want to be here for 2 more? Ughh but I'm gonna go anyway cause she said they had food. Lol.

"I'm coming. I'm coming." I said walking through the door slowly.

"Hello" the librarian said

"Hi" I said smiling

I signed in and sat at the table (Y/B/F/N) was sitting at. I got my binders out of my backpack and started to work on my Biology.

"Why did you drag me here?" I asked (Y/B/F/N)

"You'll see" she said looking around and raised her hand.

"Whatever" I said looking down at my work. I was stuck on a problem so I just moved on to math.

"Hey" some guy said from the other side of the table

"Hey Myles" my friend said then kicked me

"Ow!" I said then looked up. When I looked up I saw a cute ass guy. Brown hair, cute freckles, he was pretty short, but he was still cute as'f. He looked at me With his cute brown eyes. We made eye contact. It felt like it was just us. No one else.

"She needs some help with bio and Math" (Y/B/F/N) said and pointed to me. While he was walking over to me.I gave her a glare. She just smiled at me because she was always trying to hook me up with someone but does she realize that he's in collage while I'm in high school.

"Mind if I sit here?" He said point to the seat next to me and flashed his perfect smile.

"Not at all" I smiled at him. He sat down pretty close but not too close. I could see his arm veins, his dick print like damn daddy.

" okay so for this problem what you have to do is just find x, and how you do that is, can I use your pencil?" He asked

"Yeah" i said. I looked over at (Y/B/F/N) and she just smirked at me and then was doing a very inappropriate hand motions. I chuckled and looked away.

"Get it?" He asked looking at me with his beautiful brown eyes

"Yeah" i said biting my lip.

"Okay now try this one" he said pointing to the next problem. I could smell his cologne. Best.smell.ever.

"Okay" i said and then did the problem. Im pretty good at Geometry, im just not passing the class right now.

"Excellent" he said "i, pretty sure you have this down so call me over if you need anything" he flashed a smile, and i smiled back

"I see you guys getting extra close" (Y/B/F/N) rising an eyebrow with a smirky face.

" he's like 22 and I'm only 16, thats illegal" i stated and finished my work. The whole time me and (Y/B/F/N) kept calling Myles over and kept talking and joking around with him. It was the funniest time ever. I got to learn a little bit more about it then I expected to. It was time to go so me and (Y/B/F/N) started to walk lut and we were goffing around and then Myles was behind us. He was just smiling at his phone. He might have a girl that he likes that hes talking to her. I never had a chance. And never will.

When I got home i had an Instagram notification. I opened it up

Myles parrish followed you

Omg. Are you serious!?!?! Eeeeee. I started to talk him hard core. I found out quite a bit more than I intended too. My mom and dad are like never home so i decided to skip dinner. I got ready for bed while cuddling my stuffed animal. After a few minuets of thinking about me and Myles being togeather.

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