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Brother kept calling me, so I thought it must be dinner time. I was in my bedroom, but I don't remember getting here. Honestly, I don't remember the last thing I did since I got hit in the head by a shield. I should pay attention to my surroundings, eh, doesn't matter right now. I had bandages over my abdomen, head, hands, and my chest hurts when I inhaled. God, I must've got hit pretty hard then. 

I figured mother and brother could wait for a bit longer until I got up. I laid in bed for a while--quiet, eerie, confused, and feeling alone caused me to get up instead and get out of my room slowly, limping to the dining room.

- - -

After dinner, I returned to my chambers. I avoided eye contact and avoided talking to my brother and my mother. I didn't have the heart to tell them what kind of monster I am. While I was deep in thought, a healer, came in and looked under the bandages. There was a six-inch scar across my face, two more other scars just across my eye. I was curious as to why I could still see out of my right eye. A young man came in, tall, yet muscular. "Mr. Core, I've heard about your little incident, and may I say-" He said before he got cut off by my hissing. "That was no little incident." I hissed at him, I felt my blood starting to boil. 

 He stayed quiet for a while, choosing the right words to say. "I didn't mean to anger you, Son of Core-" he stated before getting cut off once again.

"Don't call me that, please. Name's Adam." I said, trying to stay cool. My hands went into a fist and I looked up at him, eye to eye. He gave a shocked look and looked away immediately. 

"He did you hard this time, has he come by and apologized?"

"No. As matter of fact, I don't remember a single thing." I hissed.

"Well, I'll tell him to. Either way, those scars look pretty nasty, and your eye."

"You can say that again. I can still see for a matter." I say in a sarcastic tone. "Your mother has grown worried for you. She noticed you didn't eat at dinner and didn't even speak a word." He said, leaning against the doorway.

"Enough. What is the reason why you are here disturbing me?" I say, crossing my arms, with an annoyed look on my face. 

"Your father has called for you, Cor- I mean Adam." He said, walking away from my chambers. I sighed and stood up. 

- - -  

"This is not your right to do this. I just-.. made a small mistake. I can fix this." I said, looking at the ground, there was a red hand-print mark on the side of my face. The side of the face was stinging. Father called me down to the rhone room, for a talk. Turns out he was shaming me for all my doings.

"Your actions have not, and still do not go unpunished." He says, glaring me down. "You have served your time in captivity, and well I hope you have thoughts better of your previous actions---" As I was about to tell him of my thought, he continued. "Just as a precaution, I shall list a mere fraction of your crimes."

"No, that's not necessary.." I tried to stop him, but he persisted.

"Arson, Assault, Homicide, Manslaughter, Murder-"

"I FUCKIN' GET IT," I shouted, not bothering to lower my voice. He looked at me with his cold eyes. I lost my manners.

"Look I'll admit, I've done wrong, so much wrong, I did horrific actions, that I'm not quite proud of. However, I will also point out you have done every trial for every crime I've ever done. Do you, oh great father," I said with sarcasm, " deem it necessary to resurface and repeat what has made sure I do not eat or sleep? The things that are responsible for taking my sanity? I know I've caused you pain, but you've caused me pain as well. ADMIT IT!"

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